Once again Taehyuk has to learn that he’s very into anal lol.

Man I sure do love third wheel characters that decide they have more control over someone’s life and decisions :)

See this concept of alphas taking multiple mates could be interesting and fun. But this ain’t it. Why do characters like Hiroki always have some kind of tragic past and need so much assistance, yet they are the biggest jerks you’ve ever seen? It makes the story feel cheap and unrealistic. So tired of these fair maiden styled characters that are too thoughtful and demure to feel anger after constant mistreatment. Imagine now if Hiroki was just reserved and quiet. But blossomed in front of Toujou and really became clingy and happy. Shiina could be upset and jealous still, and even still think that Hiroki hated him. But then Hiroki could open up about his past. And his honesty could move Shiina so much that the conundrum of whether to accept him as another omega feels real. Nope. Instead it’s just a bullshit third wheel plot that has been done 100 times. So tired of this lol.

I will laugh if the beta friend ends up being a recessive alpha and was hiding it because he’s actually in love with Hiroki but doesn’t want Hiroki to hate/fear him.

Unsure if Manato just has repressed desires or if this is just another sub story where the MC has their own bias against subs so they don’t allow themselves to participate in play? But either way Manato, baby, you can’t find a lover and a partner if you keeping lying to both them and yourself :)

My man is the top rated escort and just casually ignores the contract that they came up with

Bestie what are you doing???

Side note I wish this author would do art for an otome game or something. Would look amazing

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Misaki's Secret

I kind of like how Misaki didn’t feel the need to wear anything special during their date. I also want to see more of the sexy legs in lingerie, but it’s just nice to see that Noboru likes Misaki without it too. This story could have easily gone down the “I’m straight but those legs” route where Noboru continued to chase Misaki while denying attraction. I just love when the characters are confident about their feelings instead.

I wish there was more to this. Another manga from this author that needs another volume. I guess the coffee was being used to show that his tastes changed because of him stabilizing as an omega, but boy did I think it was trying to imply that he was pregnant.
I still felt that their relationship was left pretty vague but it’s nice to see both of them were communicating at the end of it.

We monster enjoyers rarely get anything. Let us live. Beastmen are great, you can go read your regular shit

Dogs love him haha this is pretty funny. I know he wanted to change but manga like this always crack me up because couldn’t they have just given him chores around the house first instead of making him someone else’s problem?

Also. Exactly how does the brother know this bear man? I need answers.

Damn yo, the expression Saeki had after asking why Oka ignored his texts was heart breaking. Yes this entire relationship could have been solved with a simple confession but I think the author did a great job conveying just how awkward these two characters actually were and why that wasn’t easy for either of them.

Interesting premise, seems very inhumane to use a young student as bait for training the alphas, but I suppose resistance training with punishments is at least… trying to hold them accountable? I hope that they address the increased amounts of violence though. Praying we can get through this one without an assault :’)

Kamiya’s refusal to seek help has put the two in a position where even the best amount of communication will still feel one sided. Kamiya constantly pushes his view on the disease without trying to understand why Hitomi would have ever wanted it to happen. He’s so deep in his own self pity that he won’t see Hitomi’s love for what it is. Hitomi needs to step up and speak his truth at some point or else they will continue to have this disconnect. The doctor tried to explain it but Kamiya again rejected it because he can only see his own struggles with the disease. He blames himself and it’s funny because in a way it is his fault. If he hadn’t pushed Hitomi away so much, maybe Hitomi would not have wanted to get the disease as well. Poor Hitomi clearly thought it would be the bridge that they needed, but Kamiya is still drawing a line. Hoping the end of this chapter means he will finally let Hitomi in.

Ahhhh so he’s ignorant. Was wondering what his deal was. They are both clearly down bad for each other. Hopefully he comes to understand his feelings organically and without some nonsense drama plot

Mostly finished this because Asuka is very much my type but it was aight

Mmm I knew I smelled a side couple set up. His coworker was way too pretty to not get a story!

Yay they’re back. This couple is so retesting. The communication, straightforward confessions and affections. Aaaaaah I love them so much

Maibara is so my type. This reads as a one shot so I am content to wait for the whole volume before reading more.