Hi I don’t know if you guys have been in a TikTok but there’s something going on like in someone explain me what is Ramadan if I offend somebody I’m sorry it’s just I don’t know what the word means?
im not muslim so i honestly shouldnt be saying anything im sorry if i offend anyone but from what i know its a period in the islamic calendar and they fast and things like that and theyre probably not allowed to read porn since the whole event is based on self dicipline and reflection
im not muslim so i honestly shouldnt be saying anything im sorry if i offend anyone but from what i know its a period in the islamic calendar and they fast and things like that and theyre probably not allowed t... homeslice
Can someone please help me find this manga plz
It’s on a different site but here you go https://kunmanga.com/manga/the-princess-pretends-to-be-crazy/chapter-1/