pour les frenchies, je vous conseille pas de le lire en anglais. Dans l'esprit c'est plus une BD qu'un manga, donc le comique repose pas mal sur des jeux de mots, une majeure partie se perdant à la traduction. Vous le regretterez pas, plus tard dans l'histoire, ça devient vraiment hilarant, c'est moins gamin, on en oublierait presque que c'est pas une BD. C'est d'ailleurs bien dommage que ce soit pas le cas quand on voit le niveau des colorisations...

ok I get it Dysania Scan Team, I understand you, It was also not good for my heart when I saw the hardwork of some people who didn't know your team was on the project. But I will be good. See how communication can, indeed, makes people better. And when communication works, there is no need to threaten the fellow readers in the end.


He is a trump douche in Name.

All who have eyes can see Mount Tai,

so, I just finished reading the 2 only available chapters of an amazing manga about friendship - Tokyo Voyager Record - that have been dropped since years. I was a bit depressed. And then I saw that fantastic cringy cover on the list of recommendations. I thought I had found it, my desired kind of manga with live-action panels. But it was indeed a normal boring shoujo about a girl I don't know (girl on the cover) but I already don't want to see her face anymore. So, I was even more depressed, I feel like I was deceived somewhere. Hopefully, each dialog bubble was a joke itself, making me embarassed as I've never been. Thanks god it made me forget a bit my recent deceptions.
How dare he says the 5s is old! It's perfectly fine