tfw you illegally translate and upload someone else's copyrighted material to the internet to be read for free on a certain site and justify it to yourself by saying you're "just a fan" and it's okay because it's not licensed in english, and then throw a huge fit when it's uploaded on basically the same type of site. like bruh...you're literally putting someone else's work on the internet to read for free and then acting like you're all high and mighty because you post it on one illegal manga hosting site as opposed to one that has ads on it? give me a fucking break. if you cared that much about protecting the authors' intellectual rights and profits you wouldn't be putting countless hours and energy into translating their work and uploading it to read on the internet FOR FREE and slapping your disgusting cringey "t/ns" all over it and then being like uwu mangago hurts authors uwu fucking hypocrites. god this scan group is the most holier-than-thou edgelord hypocrites i've ever seen. i cringe every time i see their stupid fucking ugly nasty banners on something because i know i'm gonna get preached at by a bunch of cumbrain idiots who think uwu daddy's tasty milkshake, butt plugs, and jokes about anally raping a child are the peak of humor. yes i fucking hate these sanctimonious assholes can you tell??
tfw you illegally translate and upload someone else's copyrighted material ...