Hmm's feed

Hmm created a topic of Black or White

Everyone is disappointed with the manager (I also am) even the manger is disappointed with the manager, but I just want to talk about that co-star and her aunt or that co-star is rubbing me the wrong way??? Even the Aunt like, why are you getting pissy? Honestly it is a part of an actor's job to act out a scene faithfully (like when there's a kiss scene) but if it can be circumvented for the comfort of an actor isn't it fine? Stop being an entitled bitch. And her niece that's Shin's co-star, I got bad vibes like she's about to start up some shit too. Like I get the feeling she might be two faced with the way she "pulled some strings" to get a role, and that first big role she's got she's already hitting on her co-star? Like everyone else has to watch there image, but you're immune to that I fucking guess? Not to mention the nepotism is nepoing hard since she got the main role.... The company obviously is corrupt since you have the CEO playing dirty games and literally blackmailing Shige who didn't even want to act in the first place. Doesn't surprise me anyone affiliated is bad fucking news they're all fucking trash and it pisses me off, especially since you know that shit like this is normal IRL too like we all know how many industries like the media and entertainment are all fucked up. Which we just have to accept as normal??? Like just let these motherfuckers live! In fiction and IRL too I can't TT