Hmm March 26, 2024 6:46 am

This will include spoilers and is long ASF you've been warned

I made some responses to someone's thread before about the harem and I too was pissed when I learned of it, so I went and spoiled as much as I could and read translation/translated some of the Korean LN after I ran out of those translations as well. Coming back here to relay info that maybe not all of you want to find but still want to know if you want to keep reading moving forward (basically is it worth it?).

I wanna say about the whole harem thing in a general, is that it definitely isn't one dimensional. Since the story is already so good, the characters are also built much better than other Op MC's or reincarnated MC's with basically a large following of girls or guys that then create a harem. I think the power fantasy trope leads people in making pretty bland characters which becomes annoying when you have only built one decent character (sometimes not even that) which is basically the MC. It becomes tough when you can't see a relationship(s) between the MC or characters in general either.

With all that being said, my honest opinion is that the harem is really not that bad. IMO, am I partial to harems...... mmmmm no. Harems are just used to fuel the ego of the reader vicariously through the MC, like these characters are just fodder basically. And most of the time they are annoying because they aren't well developed people! The difference here, is that the harem (which is more like a following to boost the MC, so imo I would call the relationship in Damn Reincarnation more poly or something idk) are all characters that I like or have grown to like (And I think you guys will too). The whole thing is complicated because well first, Eugene is immature and clueless when it comes to love (like to an embarrassing degree). He doesn't know how to reciprocate or really what he's doing. Which makes sense because he spent his last lifetime actively avoiding love. Secondly, Anise/Kristina's personalities are a bit warped. They spent their lives giving everything to the Church and being made to be a perfect vessel/fuel a perfect vessel to serve the Church. Like I said in a previous comment, Anise lived and died in a pretty shit way and Kristina had lived her life that way too. Eugene saving them both and freeing them lets them see the opportunity they have (And for Anise the opportunity she can have in this life), and that opportunity is Eugene. For Kristina Eugene is her savior (which is cliche, ik), but Anise is obviously a little more complicated than that. Since they both have never really gotten to express their desires before and didn't even consider a future with their desires, this is where the warped part comes in. In the LN they're both described as snakes (mainly Anise but later also Kristina). They use that compassion that Eugene has for their circumstances, like Kristina saying she would take no one else but Eugene and if rejected would live with that and with no one else. Some of it is a guilt trip and some of it is them putting pressure on Eugene who is romantically immature, because unlike Senya who is like Eugene, (Shy, awkward, and not upfront because they are embarrassed and both prideful people) Anise/Kristina will do whatever to make Eugene see them in a romantic light (took his first kiss and does other shit in the LN too). Third is the relationship that Senya and Anise have which I think is really important. They are best friends and care about each other a lot. In the LN Anise was aware that Senya like Eugene and she put her own feelings for Eugene on the backburner for Senya. They even wrote that book together about Hamel the Idiot because they were both pissed he died. In the current time period where Hamel was reincarnated, Senya, knowing Anise's feelings for Eugene, has a hard time fighting her best friend for him because she wants her to be happy too, and vice versa. They both give and take a little because they both think they deserve happiness and love that's been long overdue for each of them.

The weird thing is, is that I feel (idk just conjecture) is that maybe the author was going for Senya x Eugene, because it is genuinely set up that way. And then later on felt pressured to add Anise because they felt bad or readers or somebody made them. Cause imo Anise/Kristina deserve happiness too. Honestly one of the most memorable moments in the LN is Eugene rescuing Kristina. I feel like I read somewhere that the author has gotten tired of the series? I don't remember where tf I read that but it would make sense since there are literally so many effing chapters of this series that have not been translated from Korean.

If you guys have any questions also just ask (Like about Ciel since everyone hates her lol) or about other things I will gladly answer if anyone is interested sorry this post is so long too lol

    Hmm March 26, 2024 6:48 am

    wait should I have put this in the comment section above.....? Uh...

    _連_ March 31, 2024 1:53 pm

    So what about Ciel? Doesn't she also like him?

    Hmm March 31, 2024 11:40 pm
    So what about Ciel? Doesn't she also like him? _連_

    Yea about Ciel. She does like Eugene and he has known for a long time but was just unaware of the extent. He ignores it until she confronts him in Shimuin (The country of knights and the place all of them go to track down and kill Iris a demon that Eugene and Sienna hold a large grudge against) and he shows up with both Kristina and Sienna. See, Ciel had already seen Eugene with Kristina at the Estate and everyone had figured they had something going on and that they were possibly dating. Its mentioned a lot in the LN how generally Eugene and Kristina being together is widely accepted due to the whole Hero and Saint trope that fits well image-wise. I think Ciel gets mad when she sees Sienna being added and goes "Why not me" basically. Which if everyone knew that Eugene was Hamel then of course people would root for them as well (like Lovellian did when he found out). When she does start confessing Eugene rejects her and then she gets upset saying she doesn't understand why he accepted Sienna and why can't he see her as a woman. Its this whole back and forth and basically she throws a bitch fit about being treated as a child (which is funny cause she's still acting like a child). Eugene confesses that he's Hamel, and Ciel says she doesn't care and that to her he's Eugene, and as he's Eugene she was there first. I think she also says he's being cowardly. Honestly its pretty insufferable because she says in the beginning "I've been here first, I've loved you first" which we know is sooooo wrong. Like even if he's Eugene currently and Hamel is his past life do you know how much Sienna and Anise (esp Sienna) worked and waited and suffered for Hamel to be reincarnated??? Like bitch I can't. Anyway, ultimately she's rejected and also slapped in the face by Kristina. But Kristina takes pity on her and so does Sienna lowk. I think Kristina supports her love and probs Sienna and Anise pity her

    I just think if she wants to being treated as a grown person THEN ACT LIKE ONE. Her personality already is childish (and she tech is still a child). Her throwing what to me is, in the worst description, a temper tantrum, only makes everyone feel sorry for her. Also when Nior Giabella attacked them (Eugene, Ciel, and Cyan) on the way to the Knights March in Ruhr (I think its was Ruhr) Ciel and Cyan couldn't stand her demon eye and basically passed out which was embarrassing on their pride because they were useless and still couldn't measure up anywhere near Eugene. Because of that, Ciel cried. See I think its totally reasonable for Eugene to see her as a child because no matter how much she screams and shouts and cries, she is still one. Her arguments are ones to make her feel better and ignore the reality that Eugene mentally is like past being an adult and his ambitions and feelings really can't be ignored. One thing that makes me mad too, is that all the girls think they can like convince him of something and change his mind? Excluding Sienna because Eugene actually loves Sienna and Anise/Kristina both know without Sienna's benevolence they wouldn't have the chance with Eugene that they do have now) Idk let him be, he doesn't like Ciel like that, sees her as a child that he helped raise, and sees her as family too. Ciel's relationship after that whole fiasco with the girls shifts as Kristina is rooting for Ciel and Anise, well idk. Sienna doesn't really want to add another person into the mix (RIGHTFULLY SO). I think Kristina feels camaraderie with Ciel because they are around the same age unlike Anise and Sienna, especially since if it weren't for Sienna Kristina would not stand a chance and I think Kristina knows that because she wants to be seen romantically by herself from Eugene as well.

    I saw spoilers somewhere that in the end its only Kristina/Anise and Sienna who marry or plan to marry Eugene. So, sorry Ciel lololololol

    _連_ March 31, 2024 11:52 pm
    Yea about Ciel. She does like Eugene and he has known for a long time but was just unaware of the extent. He ignores it until she confronts him in Shimuin (The country of knights and the place all of them go to... Hmm

    So, who does he ends up with? Seriously! Couldn't they just keep one love interest. Why they need to add more?

    Dzon't, Dzon't Do It May 2, 2024 9:46 am

    So tldr, it's gonna be a harem??

    Hmm May 2, 2024 11:17 am
    So tldr, it's gonna be a harem?? Dzon't, Dzon't Do It

    lol yea, for the people who want an explanation but don't want to read the ln or read the forums lol

    Dzon't, Dzon't Do It May 2, 2024 5:29 pm
    lol yea, for the people who want an explanation but don't want to read the ln or read the forums lol Hmm

    Thank youuuuu bc that's what i really want to know i do like a well established harem with a non trashy MC but not a fan of harems in general lmao i'll stop reading this for now, but might continue reading this someday. Kudos for the explanation tho deym that was long

    • みなみ • May 14, 2024 5:54 am

    Tysm! I thought that he would end up only w senya but anise is not bad too! As long as it isn't ciell reaaalllyy....

    Bl-Lover4 July 18, 2024 7:53 pm
    Yea about Ciel. She does like Eugene and he has known for a long time but was just unaware of the extent. He ignores it until she confronts him in Shimuin (The country of knights and the place all of them go to... Hmm

    You just talking about their love and harems what about Vermont, is he really behind everything? What happened to him?

    Hmm July 18, 2024 11:32 pm
    You just talking about their love and harems what about Vermont, is he really behind everything? What happened to him? Bl-Lover4

    That part uhhh, tbh I'm not really sure. I didn't get that far lol. I did see other spoilers and stuff and (also major spoilers) as far as I know Vermouth is like a fragment of the Demon King of Destruction. I think later in the story that whole part of it ties with Hamel's pervious life before he was Hamel and all of that has to do with Vermouth, the Demon Kings (both of them), and Noir

    lolli October 14, 2024 7:58 pm

    If they were just gunna make this a harem, they should have just added Vermouth and Moron into the harem too. Might as well collect his whole party.

Hmm March 22, 2024 1:39 am

Need Shouma in a way that is concerning to feminism....

    Hmm June 13, 2024 12:15 am

    To the three haters who downvoted this comment...fair enough...

Hmm March 17, 2024 11:14 am

Idk maybe Casey is better in the novel, but she is so annoying in the manhwa rn like she's got her head up her ass and obv couldn't do her damn job. Idk can't ship or like tbh

    MitsuKou March 23, 2024 2:39 pm

    They said she is better in the novel, idk why they did her this dirty in the manhwa

    Hmm March 23, 2024 10:56 pm
    They said she is better in the novel, idk why they did her this dirty in the manhwa MitsuKou

    Coming back to this cause some people seem to be getting heated over Casey...I just don't think they probs did her character right in the manhwa. I see comments about the LN from other places that love Casey and Heathcliff's dynamic, but I can't feel it here.

Hmm March 9, 2024 8:29 am


Hmm February 29, 2024 9:01 am

See, I agree with the commenters who have a lot to say about the mother. Was she narcissistic in her first life, abusive and terrible. All yes. She was honestly a terrible mother and deserves all the hate she gets, and I don't think her mother could ever really make up for the abuse done in the previous life or the current one. I think the way she's framed in the story now currently (loved, adored by the people her husband and the daughter, the most powerful person in the empire too) leaves a bitter taste in many people's mouths for either personal reasons or nonpersonal because who wants to see an abuser win? But honestly, I think not only are we too obsessed with the cliche of revenge in every story of reincarnation etc... but also I think the most important thing is that ultimately this is not the mothers story. Its her daughters. We can't blame Lyrica or even be mad at her, she is a child clinging to her mother because that's all she has. Her reactions throughout the story are understandable and she doubts her mom as well, even now. Of course all kids react in different ways (shown and acknowledged by the author with the character Fjord) and her being the epitome of good are also connected to other reasons (spoilers so I won't say). At the end of the say, Lyrica is the main character of the story. Even though it pains us the readers seeing her mom succeeding in this life, and also not being given the retribution and punishment we think she deserves, ultimately its not what Lyrica deserves. Lyrica spent her whole previous life under the thumb of her mother and even in the end I don't think she could hate her completely. While I don't think any of us would feel the same way, it would be a completely different story and there are definitely a plethora out there that satisfies that fantasy. But Lyrica in this life deserves a mother who gives her everything. I especially think for a child, what is much more important than revenge is to be given a better life. And for Lyrica an even better life more than what she dreamed of as a child from the slums. I think this is a great story because the twist is unique and it gives us the fantasy that many of us read these stories for but in a slightly different way. No kids deserves to have to take revenge, escape some brutal situation, or whatever authors put isekai'd or reincarnated characters through. They deserve it from the beginning. Honestly this is a great fantasy for that, because yes, her mom should be the one to bring them out of poverty not her! Lyrica deserves the most and that is what I am here for!!!!!

    Baby tiana February 29, 2024 9:19 am

    And the weird fact that if the mom was actually the main character and not lilica, everyone would have forgiven her right now. I mean let's not pretend that there haven't been main character just like lilica's mom in some manhwa's lately. They were trash in their first life and hated by everyone for their annoying deeds, but when they die and decide to live well in their second life, many of us cheered for them and accepted them for their change now. But because lilica's mom isn't the main character, people are still hating her right now which is really weird

    TanyaDegurechaff February 29, 2024 9:26 am
    And the weird fact that if the mom was actually the main character and not lilica, everyone would have forgiven her right now. I mean let's not pretend that there haven't been main character just like lilica's ... Baby tiana


    ojousamaa February 29, 2024 12:01 pm

    I love the phrase ‘forgive your mother, this is also their first life’

    ojousamaa February 29, 2024 12:01 pm
    I love the phrase ‘forgive your mother, this is also their first life’ ojousamaa

    But ofcos this is not for your mother but for your own sake, to live happily and not in vengeance

    Black_snow111 February 29, 2024 3:03 pm

    Werent there some panels abaut her, absulutely regretting her past choice(killing Lyrica)? I think she had some really down bad moments in her previous life, couse of this, so why are these guys in the comment section assume she did not suffer over time??? I dont know i could be wrong but there are smiliar stories where abusing happens (or the child dies beacause of his/her parents) and the parents regrets their decision and atone for it.

    XxXxX February 29, 2024 7:41 pm
    And the weird fact that if the mom was actually the main character and not lilica, everyone would have forgiven her right now. I mean let's not pretend that there haven't been main character just like lilica's ... Baby tiana

    This!!! Personally, I would never 100% forgive her but seeing her try to change in this life, I’m willing to abstain judgement and wait. Also imo a person deserves a second chance if they show true remorse and are willing to change. It’s only human to make mistakes. The important thing is to acknowledge it and make amends.

    Baby tiana February 29, 2024 9:26 pm
    This!!! Personally, I would never 100% forgive her but seeing her try to change in this life, I’m willing to abstain judgement and wait. Also imo a person deserves a second chance if they show true remorse an... XxXxX

    A perfect example is the manhwa " sister, I am the queen on this life". The main character was not a good person in her previous life at all. Because of the love and dependency she had for her fiance, she did so many bad things, even killing the ML because she thought he was a threat to her fiance. In the end, the guy she did so much for betrayed her and married her sister. Even with such a shitty and messy first life, just because she's the main character, many suprisely forgave her and chose to forget all she did and now, she's gonna end up with the dude she killed in her first life. Now, think if such a person was not a main character but just a side character, everyone would be all up in their rage about her and how she needs to die for her sins. That is what's happening with lilica's mom right now. If she was a main character, I bet that everyone would sympathize with her and think she deserves to be forgiven. The different ways we view the actions of main characters and side characters are sometimes flawed. Lilica's mom was a horrible person in her first life but I bet she would be viewed and presented differently if she was the main character ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Gilmy March 9, 2024 8:01 am
    Werent there some panels abaut her, absulutely regretting her past choice(killing Lyrica)? I think she had some really down bad moments in her previous life, couse of this, so why are these guys in the comment ... Black_snow111

    Yes that's what i also kinda dislike about the vehement hate people give her. She absolutely regrets her past actions and the whole purpose of her actions in this life are to give Lyrica a better living situation in whatever way possible. Yes she still doesn't communicate properly with her daughter you could argue, but she doesn't even know how to without feeling like she's pressuring Lyrica into forgiving her. She's aware of her own past misdeeds and tries through every other outlet than communication to make it better for Lyrica. I would say she's way past the abusive parent label at this point honestly, but does she still need development and better talking skills with her own daughter-obviously. But people are just hating at this point cuz they either refuse to see the big change in her character or because they think abusers can't change and look back on their actions as bad. Either way it feels kinda tone deaf whenever i see a comment of someone really hating on the mother

Hmm February 26, 2024 9:11 pm

After reading the comments I think the brother knew from the beginning. The chapter where you see his thoughts (ch 17) he explains his regret and wanting to fulfill her wish. Like he makes it apparent that he knows his sister is gone and she made it really clear in what was obviously her farewell to her brother. Like for sure he knows and he's sticking around and treating the MC well because it was his sisters final wish. I hope we can see more of what the OG Peony did and more of her life before the switch in later chapters.

Hmm February 23, 2024 11:17 am

Also I love the new character Beem, like the style, the uniqueness, its so fun and refreshing I love this series so much TT

Hmm February 23, 2024 11:15 am

I stg every chapter NEVER MISSES

Hmm February 21, 2024 11:23 pm

Just some little things.....

WHERE'S THE REST OF IT? I really wanna see how the OG Ripley handled the MC problems in the modern world. Also want to see the kids TT like rlly where's the rest. Also I am surprised by how much I liked this, cause I remember reading it a long time ago and dropping because I felt bad for the Duke because of Ripley's insane rejections. Honestly I feel like its hard to get the unaware MC right without her annoying the readers but I can say you warm up to Ripley's recklessness. And when Ripley kicked the shit out of that Prince and said "Do me a favor and go die" while also standing on that ledge cause she'd rather jump than be married to that POS. I have never resonated with an MC more because whenever shit like that happens in a story its like the first thing I think of, its like the author pulled that out of my own head. Like that whole scene floored me. I love when the MC's aren't pushovers and some stories of the genre make me so infuriated because of it, but I love how Ripley is just rambunctious through and through. Only problem with the damn thing is there isn't more. Honestly glad Ripley didn't kill the Villainess too, I think there is another isekai that shows the issue of the MC vs Villainess in these stories (Even Monsters Like Fairytales), but why can't these villains have a good end? And I'm not talking forgiving everything and positioning the MC to be some saint, but honestly I think Ripley's outlook was realistic and empathetic (much more than many readers which is why she is the MC not us lol)

Hmm February 17, 2024 10:14 am

The month long waits are actually killing me I can only reread this so many times TT

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