Man when are y’all gonna talk with your mouths and not your dicks?? Damn. Like talk. You can have a DISCUSSION without your schlong!!! Shocking?!? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Hold on wait a minute, Yuta only sliced the neck, He killed Kenjaku's host but not Kenjaku. He can still brain hop or run away entirely.... I hope Yuta recognizes this....
HOLY SHIT WHAT IS WITH ALL THIS FILLER??? We were left off on some HUGE drama in chapter 14. Why tf is it just filler episodes?? Can we take them back to school cause the drama was HUGE. It was circulating around the school?? Everyone was talking about it?? Why is it so glossed over??
Man when are y’all gonna talk with your mouths and not your dicks?? Damn. Like talk. You can have a DISCUSSION without your schlong!!! Shocking?!? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜