makilover321 created a topic of Payback

So this is definitely not a shonen ai. like no way. BITCHHDJDJDKD so basically i started reading the novel (using google translate) BUT YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE.

so yk how the uke said he kinda recognised the semes face and that he thought he had seen him before. WELL later on in the story they’re both talking and i think the uke tells the seme that he's always been top, and the seme goes like “really?, you have never been a bottom? not even once?” and the the uke suddenly has a flashback of like 4 years ago (when he was blonde) and he remembers one time he was actually getting fucked (like he was the bottom) and so he tells the seme “actually i have, once” and then the seme goes “with who?” but the uke doesn’t know who he did it with, cause at the time he was wearing a bunny mask and couldn’t see well cause of his tears.
So here’s my theory They both fucked a looong time ago, that’s why the uke recognised the semes face but didn’t know where he’d seen him. and the seme also doesn’t know it was with him cause he was wearing a bunny mask. and i remember someone says the seme later on recognises the uke from a tattoo. so maybe that’s how they find out they fucked each other 4 years ago :]
aaaaand also the author posted this on twitter so yeah..
do whatever you want with this information

makilover321 created a topic of Payback

i was just reading the novel and aint no way this a shonen ai bruv aint no waay

makilover321 asked a question

Does anyone know where i can read the payback novel?? i can’t find it anywhere

makilover321 created a topic of Payback
makilover321 created a topic of Pearl Boy

Dooshik deserves happiness

makilover321 created a topic of Love for Sale

ok so based on spoilers that i saw on insta namwoo confesses, but the seme doesn’t say anything like-
it’s kinda disappointing something is off

makilover321 created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Nah cause minhyuk straight up saved him and then proceeded to do smth worse like-

makilover321 created a topic of Full volume
makilover321 created a topic of Payback

i have a feeling this definitely won’t be a shounen ai

makilover321 created a topic of Banana Scandal

taehwan bouta become a hardcore simp i can sense it, and not only that he’s gonna be clingy asfffff like how he is with his brother but double the amount.

makilover321 created a topic of Sketch

they’re so pretty what the freak

makilover321 created a topic of Banana Scandal

he got a vibrator up his ass

makilover321 asked a question

Does anyone know where i can read p!@n pi@n?

makilover321 created a topic of Heat and Run

Yo we are soooo far away from the raws wthin the raws they’re children are already having sex

makilover321 created a topic of Never Understand