I STARTED CP 70 WITH NO WARNING- i am now just screaming like chaotic fangirl i am
i somehow missed like 4 cp so i started this was so CONFUSED (ngl i saw those feet and i thought they did it (/TДT)/)
here-> https://picrew.me/image_maker/216971
here -> https://picrew.me/image_maker/185483
here -> https://picrew.me/image_maker/31304
How has your day been my children? I will be coming back soon. Also I say that thy bible says that homosexuality is not a sin. Pedophilia is my children and never groom a child or have an intercourse with one. Thank you. Have a wonderful day.
go crazy make creepy twins, one creepy, both cute, one cute, whatever I cant wait to see them all https://picrew.me/image_maker/165901
DAMIT- i thought because i was inlove with hamin i wouldn't fall inlove with the second ml, i was wrong (/TДT)/
I am now remembering my dumb @ss self as a kid asking my grandma (not the crazy religious one) “why is she putting a phone in her pants” about a show we were watching. Spoiler alert: the phone wasn’t a phone, it was a v/brator Anyway I’m remembering this and wanting to bash my head into a wall out of embarrassment. Did y’all ever do......
What do you like about the community of BL readers? Me personally I like how we can all agree that a certain character deserves to rot in the deepest bit of hell and be stabbed by spider legs for all eternity Anyone else?
Get set, go! Let see those hidden talent of yours~ https://picrew.me/image_maker/32223
today is my no.1 husband (shoto todoroki) birthday, SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!