This manga is such a gem. I felt so connected to all the characters and all of them were complex in their own ways they felt like real people. The last few chapters had me in my feels T-T I’m a junior in hs rn so I’m suuuper sad that I’ll be leaving home and my friends and everything in less than two years. But, I totally get what they mean about little happy memories, cherishing little moments. Taira was one of my favorite characters, I really resonated with the things he said. He is so realistic when he talks about holding himself back and feeling like a bad person. I wanted him and Azuma to get together but I think the ending was fitting for them. I liked the message that sometimes a meaningful connection with someone is more precious than just a romantic relationship. This manga made me feel youthful.

I quite enjoyed reading this but I feel like the ending undermined the message the story was trying to convey. I thought the overall theme was “we are not defined by our parents” or “we are our own people” or something. I think by ultimately making it so the dad wasn’t the killer kinda just destroyed that entire message by kinda saying “of course Eiji isn’t a bad guy cuz his dad wasn’t actually the killer”. I would have much preferred if the father still turned out to be the murderer but it was a good read nonetheless.

It’s so nice reading a manga about an independent women whose life doesn’t revolve around men. Lots of manga showcase pretty outdated views on women and how they should throw their life away when they get married or how their lives should revolve around their significant other. This had a very modern and refreshing view of the working woman, especially considering it’s a generally older manga. I found myself very drawn to the characters. 10/10!
This kept getting better, I didn’t like the characters at first but they really grew on me. This was surprisingly good with a good ending.