A guest from the planet of happiness, the alien Takopi, arrives on Earth to spread happiness through...
- Author: タイザン5
- Genres: Seinen / Loli / Psychological / Drama / School Life / Horror / Web Comic / Aliens / Supernatural / Mystery
Taisuke Kanou is your average 16-year-old student. He has two close friends, Hirose and Megumi. Hiro...
- Author: Kawashima Tadashi,Adachi Toka
- Genres: Adventure / Horror / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Shounen / Supernatural
Killy is a man of few words. He wanders, seemingly endlessly, through a lonely, gargantuan labyrinth...
- Author: nihei tsutomu
- Genres: Action / Drama / Horror / Mature / Psychological / Sci-fi / Seinen
When a creature attacks the city, a man with strange powers reluctantly stands to fight... but a sha...
- Author: Nihei
- Genres: Action / Sci-Fi / Seinen / Supernatural
A young assassin girl armed with a katana is hunting down her targets in a busy metropolitan city na...
- Author: Asano Inio
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Ryuuko Matoi is a girl who travels with a single red scissor blade, searching for the wielder of the...
- Author: Gainax,Akizuki Ryou
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Drama / Ecchi / School Life / Sci-fi / Seinen
There's a new hero in town and he's got a bad attitude and a chainsaw dog demon! A dangero...
- Author: Tatsuki Fujimoto
- Genres: Action / Drama / Horror / Shounen / Supernatural
Takemichi is a 26-year-old unemployed virgin who learns that the girl he dated in middle school&acir...
- Author: Wakui Ken
- Genres: Shounen / Action
set in a "futuristic, yet feudal Japan," and stars a samurai named Afro for his hair. The ...
- Author: Okazaki Takashi
- Genres: Action / Martial Arts / Seinen
The kingdom of Dowa, which is subdivided into 13 states, is celebrating its monarch's 99th birt...
- Author: ono natsume
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Historical / Seinen / Slice Of Life
Misuzu Hara is a 24-year-old high school teacher who, four years earlier, endured a traumatic experi...
- Author: Torikai Akane
- Genres: Drama / Romance / School Life / Seinen
"We first touched each other so lightly and tenderly. You and me, we just look a little different, t...
- Author: Nagabe
- Genres: Shounen ai
English : This is the story of Anchan, Joe, Mario, Suppon, Baremoto, Biceps and Cauliflower. They ar...
- Author: George Abe,Masasumi Kakizaki
- Genres: Drama
Due to his scary appearance, Qi Shi has trouble finding a job.One day, at a school reunion, he meets...
- Author: liang azha
- Genres: Webtoons / Shounen Ai
A girl in a small village · Coco always wanted to be a wizard. But those who can not u...
- Author: SHIRAHAMA Kamome
- Genres: Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Seinen / Tragedy
Orphaned on the mean streets of Treasure Town, lost boys Black and White must mug, steal and fight t...
- Author: MATSUMOTO Taiyou
- Genres: Action / Drama / Mature / Psychological / Seinen
Plot: The story of an orphanage, the children who live in it, and the beat-up old Nissan Sunny 1200 ...
- Author: matsumoto taiyou
- Genres: Psychological / Seinen
At the National Local Mascot Festival, children all across Japan can meet their favorite local masco...
- Author: Watanabe Chihiro
- Genres: Action / Drama / Horror / Mystery / Shounen / Supernatural / Tragedy
Serialization of the one-shot Kiben Gakuha, Yotsuya Sensei no Kaidan.In the midst of a female-kidnap...
- Author: Furudate Haruichi
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Mystery / School Life / Shounen