"Rising to the Azure Sky", a manhua serialized by Golden Orange Comics, follows Ling Yufei...
- Author: 金橙动漫
- Genres: Shounen ai / Comedy / Romance / Webtoons
Ken’s life is ordinary. He’s a former orphan, he works as a server in a pub, and he live...
- Author: Chilyong
- Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Supernatural / Drama / Romance
[Presented to you by: Happy Croissant Scans x Suni Scans]The country of the Sun and Light, Vestar Em...
- Author: MARA
- Genres: Webtoons / Fantasy / Historical / Romance / Yaoi
Fashion stylist Ji Zhi traveled through ancient times and thought he would marry a beautiful woman a...
- Author: 赵有猫fiya, Ntsye,Zhao youmao fiya
- Genres: Romance / Shounen Ai / Webtoons
Genius chef and restaurant owner Heemin hates relying on others so much that he’s called &ldqu...
- Author: Zuha
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Webtoons
"Why is he always hovering around me? He also suddenly proposed that we move into the luxurious...
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Shounen ai / Comedy / School Life
Suspect Hayden, who holds the only clue in the murder of B Bar, demands that only him be investigate...
- Author: Junah
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Drama
Shin is barely making ends meet, hustling as a rogue mechanic on the mean city streets. Problem is, ...
- Author: Kyo Woo
- Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Action / Drama
In order to consolidate the status of the royal prince, he launched an offensive in pursuit of a plu...
- Author: Nan Zha Zha Zi, Hao Le Shen Wen Hua
- Genres: Webtoons / Drama / Romance / Shounen Ai
The love of his life is broken. When they meet again ten years later, he has gone from being a nobod...
- Author: taoci pengke shaonian
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Historical / Webtoons
Eun Oh, a unique loner who can see fairies is reached out to by a transfer student. He feels good wh...
- Author: 야얌이,잡화,Yayamee
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Fantasy / School Life / Webtoons