Although on another note, I guess it was necessary for him to say it and show it that way... even if it probably hurt him so much too. They need to comunicate...
yes this is how I felt!!
AHAHAHAHA those guys had it coming. also, I'm getting a badddddd feeling about yeon-woo... idk, is it just me or..?
You’re just NOW getting that feeling?!?Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)LOL
LOL NObut honestly, I've been having mixed feelings about him but now it's all just baaaaad... there's no more "good" feeling left xD
LOL I feel like he’s ready to take out anyone between him & his boo and he’ll do anything short of hurting his boo to get those memories back!
Right!! Still love 'em though~
This last chapter was just.... perfection. ah. My heart can't handle this t_t
Ahhh my poor Taku will find someone to love him eventually
Yea me ! :) jkjk....unless
I wishhhhhh T_T
I feel a little bad for Suha but holy f*ck that was hot
Bitch me too I wanna yeet myself off of a building from all of the frustrations going on
I cried when Ryan was dying ... I really liked him!!! Shucks
Ahhhh what the hell is GOING ON SUHA!!!!! Ugh and that red haired bastard
Ahhh this story was SO cute and wonderful and omg that last chapter YES THANK YOUUUU that was amazing
This story just made me sob. It's so sad, I really wish he could have been happy instead of passing. Ahhhhh I'm so sad rn
Although on another note, I guess it was necessary for him to say it and show it that way... even if it probably hurt him so much too. They need to comunicate...
yes this is how I felt!!