Grey August 5, 2024 5:20 pm

This story is very underrated! More people should read itttt! Not gonna lie, msot of the character death in the beginning is very sad.... but i still cant accept the death.


is simon really dead tho? i hope not.. I hope most of Lee han's friends r surviving...

Grey August 5, 2024 5:18 pm

Hes hot

Grey July 20, 2024 5:57 pm

Why you guys be hating on Ian??? Its clear from tge start he has some issues n not everything is green flag this green flag tht. Tht is the beauty of this story. All 3 characters r flawed. If I were in Ian's shoes, I might be the same or worse. But from his past alone we can tell tht Ian crave love n attention but he does not know how n does not expect it n he might as well hve some trust n esteem issueee. N now he might be more affected bcoz hes kinda repeating wht his mom does, drugs n got r...we r at the point of story where ian past is slowly revealed n u guys still have the audacity to say this guy is not worth either tj or jo

    Huraioz July 20, 2024 6:25 pm

    He never had familial love I think. So it’s hard for me to judge and say he loves either of them, it could be platonic and he’s confused, or he did love once but due to the situation, he had to let it go because it’s not the life he’s craving (normal life).

    Grey July 22, 2024 12:29 am
    He never had familial love I think. So it’s hard for me to judge and say he loves either of them, it could be platonic and he’s confused, or he did love once but due to the situation, he had to let it go be... Huraioz

    I agreeeeeee..... I think Ian does love TJ but its not easy being gay in tht kind of environment n they does not hve tht luxury. Ian is tired of tht life. N yea Ian crave the normalcy thus why hes with Jo. Theres nothing wrong with Jo, hes attracted to Ian but I kinda wish tht TJ too will escape this gangster life n both of em can enjoy a better life together. Lowkey want TJ n Ian to just quit n move smwhere n be happy.... Tht former gangster boss tht dies from cancer, hes one of the reason why TJ n Ian relationship deterioratingg.. He keep telling TJ to get married to a woman.. Maybe he has good intention but I just wanna Tjian to be happyyyyyyyy..... Aa cant wait for more updateee

    Huraioz July 22, 2024 4:37 am
    I agreeeeeee..... I think Ian does love TJ but its not easy being gay in tht kind of environment n they does not hve tht luxury. Ian is tired of tht life. N yea Ian crave the normalcy thus why hes with Jo. Ther... Grey

    Ian clearly wants to be in an exclusive relation (ch 32). TJ said that Ian should know how he feels and if it makes sense for them to be apart “does it make sense for US to be apart”.

    But Ian asked what does “us” even mean and TJ said they surpass lovers and family. TJ looked anxious in that panel while saying it.

    The lack of an official established/what defines their relationship LABEL has hurt their relationship. Ian definitely wants to be exclusive to TJ, at first anyways, but that feelings probably got tired but it’s still there, waiting for TJ. But TJ’s priorities are on being more powerful until he can really protect Ian. But that’s not what Ian wants most likely. And plus the gang world is homophobic. Rather than just lovers and family, “

    Huraioz July 22, 2024 4:41 am
    I agreeeeeee..... I think Ian does love TJ but its not easy being gay in tht kind of environment n they does not hve tht luxury. Ian is tired of tht life. N yea Ian crave the normalcy thus why hes with Jo. Ther... Grey

    Bruh I accidentally pressed POST. Let me continue off sorry:

    RATHER than family or lovers, Ian most likely wants to just be this official label: “Lovers” (not the lovers as in sexual only, but officially lovers). And Ian was in the gang where he didn’t even want to be in. He also watched TJ date women (iirc), waiting to be called by him for sex in secret due to the homophobic environment.

    Jason told TJ to be careful of his heart. TJ is able to endure this due to Jason’s words: First money, then power, then the girl (as in IAN for TJ). He wants to be the leader of the gang to protect Ian. But pretty sure that isn’t what Ian truly wants.

    This is probably why TJ is okay with this situation for their relationship. He thinks they can only be together once he’s in power, even if it’d indirectly hurt Ian. It’s a sad situation.

    Huraioz July 22, 2024 4:45 am
    I agreeeeeee..... I think Ian does love TJ but its not easy being gay in tht kind of environment n they does not hve tht luxury. Ian is tired of tht life. N yea Ian crave the normalcy thus why hes with Jo. Ther... Grey

    I guess it would make sense for Jason to say that. It’s really dangerous being together with someone while you’re a low rank gang member. But I do question, what then if he becomes a leader? Will he continue being one despite Ian wanting to live a life outside of the gang?

    I hope things get better. But not for another season cause Doyak wants us to suffer.

    Grey July 23, 2024 7:05 pm

    I love you

Grey June 30, 2024 11:21 pm

Jo has tht pretty privilage going for him... If this was not yaoi n Jo n TJ r females instead, people will hate on Jo.. He's a fucking white lotus

    Grey June 30, 2024 11:34 pm


    ch55 was it? i got spoiled about Ian's past n tht makes ch52 a concern for me..

Grey June 21, 2024 4:10 pm

Ian is soooo prettyyyyyyyyy!!!! Lemme be TJ or Jo, better TJ coz with all tht money I will keep Ian sated and happyyyy and pregnanttttttttttttt

Grey June 21, 2024 8:43 am

IDK why he looks like Lee Soo Hyuk in my eyess. But wht I know is if this ever got adapted to series, please cast Lee Soo Hyuk as Ahn Geumhu!!!

Is it the eyes?

Grey June 20, 2024 11:40 am

I like this kind of MC. usually this kind of character is the seme so its veryyy nice to see this kind of character get railed and make a mess of
Its sooo cuteee!!! Likeeee break his ice yeaaa

Cant wait for more chapterrrrrr

Grey June 13, 2024 9:32 pm


    Kiana June 19, 2024 12:50 pm


    Grey June 20, 2024 4:50 am

    Likeee I wanna get f by him butttt i also want to f himmmmmm aaaaaaaaa!!!

    hes a cutieeeeeeee

    Kiana June 20, 2024 7:36 am
    Likeee I wanna get f by him butttt i also want to f himmmmmm aaaaaaaaa!!! hes a cutieeeeeeee Grey

    Realllllll I need him booty naked and oiled up

Grey June 10, 2024 10:28 pm

Hes hot especially the first few chapter

Grey March 9, 2021 9:58 am

Idk why, I kinda find Will (blind man) hot hahahaha

    H~H March 10, 2021 12:19 am

    He is hot.

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