Yes but no. Me too though bc I just dislike all the girls really ( his age anyways ) like there should be no romance with either princess yet theres some (」゚ロ゚)」
Yes but no. Me too though bc I just dislike all the girls really ( his age anyways ) like there should be no romance with either princess yet theres some (」゚ロ゚)」Also Elijah do be hot :) Eepww
Yeah, it’s not that I dislike them, but they’re not it. And this book focuses more on the adventure side of things which is a nice change
The latest chapter was supposed to be pretty serious but that one little thing in the middle of it had me dying of laughter... like I was laughing and wheezing for like 15 minutes
Why did they change the name ughhhhh mentally changing it to Ebony but I Lowkey crying reading evony