In my opinion I think the flow of the story would’ve been slightly better had the 3 of them been childhood friends and not a pair of twins and a childhood friends just because it would’ve been less incesty and they all could’ve been true lovers and the different tropes they could’ve had like rivals to lovers (etc.)

I have briefly read that already long ago and it really wasnt my cup of tea as there was sa involved though it’s hard to find any bls without it these days and from what i remember since it’s been a while in the end the two alphas aren’t really dating each other as well they are really only there for the omega ://

Okay so I held off skipping to the chapter I could comment on when it started to get weird (in my opinion) so that I would be able to give and honest opinion with all the info we have already and I feel as thoughts it’s really weird this whole Hari x Eugene because they met when she was 7 and she was supposed to be raised as a “replacement” for their ACTUAL younger sister who passed away and the fact that it’s stated that Hari looks like her is already weird. Second of all it doesn’t matter if they’re not blood related and that they were apart 7 years after only knowing each other for 1 when they were younger because all this time Hari was considered part of the the family as in basically blood related sisters it’s not like they were raised as step siblings that never saw each other as siblings but instead more like roommates, and also when it was revealed where this “love” was headed why did they spring on us that Eric also had feelings for her when they were supposed to be raised as twins. It’s just seems really weird to me. I also tried doing the math and isnt hari at most 15-17 years old? (Correct me if I’m wrong) and Eugene is 28 that age gap is still ify even if this was a regular romance without the practically/borderline incest. I’m really diss sapo Inter with how this came out and I’m planning on dropping it :(

I’m so confused as to why the aunt stole yi yuns embryo? And also is that the nice aunt I can’t tell? Did she think is was jinyaos embryo and if that’s the case wouldnt that be her great nephew or sum like that can someone please fill me in on what I’m missing here!

She stoled the embryo stored under Jinyao's name, but it was the previously switched Yi Yi embryo. Her intention is to have the first born in the family's net generation, hence, the heir, but she doesn't know about Rourou(or the fact that the baby she just "made" is in fact not his nephew's.
Sorry if it's confused ( ̄∇ ̄")

Yeap, she thought it was jinyao's. I think the aunt is infertile. Plus her husband has no blood ties to feng's family. do, even if his husband take another wife of mistress to get children, the child will not be a part of the feng family. So, she took jinyao's embryo and conceived using surrogate because then the child will have the same blood as feng. So, with a son of a feng, she will gain a bit more advantage in inheritance etc.
Supposedly if the embryo is jinyao's,
/Genetically the baby will be his but technically it will be the aunt's because she take care of him. And
Unfortunately, the embryo is changed and it was yiyun's.
Richard is so breedable omllll