How to heal childhood trauma 101: Be a precious bean of Golden Retriever levels. ;v;
2024-07-03 07:15 marked
such strong Seme lift me up too ⊂(・﹏・⊂)
2024-07-01 18:02 marked

dudes that r hella attractive ngl

guys who i admit are attractive whether it's in a random panel, cover, or just how they acted in a scene!!
2024-06-24 05:56 marked
hes actually hooked like chill nbd taking your fleshlight from you bro
2024-04-30 00:38 marked

Many. It's normal. I'm kinda going through this too rn with a childhood friend. It's such a weird experience but like other friendships that I grew apart from; it's just how life is. People come and go. Cherish the memories you made and you'll find more friends later on

2024-04-18 08:56 marked
The incident involving coach hyung Park Namwook slapping Joo Jaekyung raises significant ethical and legal questions regarding physical assault and its implications. Firstly, physical assault is a deliberate act of causing harm or injury to another person through physical force or violence. It can manifest in various forms, including hitting, punching, kicking, or any other aggressive physical contact.

In this specific case, the act of slapping Jaekyung constitutes physical assault as it involves the intentional use of force to cause harm or injury. Regardless of the context or provocation, such behavior cannot be justified or condoned. Even if there were underlying tensions or disagreements between the coach and the individual, resorting to physical violence is never an acceptable means of addressing conflicts or disciplinary issues.

Furthermore, condoning such actions sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the principles of respect, dignity, and human rights. Celebrating or justifying the assault perpetuates a culture of violence and normalizes abusive behavior, which can have far-reaching consequences not only within the immediate context but also in broader society.

It's essential to recognize that physical assault violates fundamental ethical principles and legal standards, regardless of the perceived justification or circumstances. Every individual has the right to be free from violence and coercion, and any form of physical aggression must be unequivocally condemned.

In short, the incident involving the coach slapping Joo Jaekyung constitutes physical assault, and those who express happiness or believe it's deserved are effectively condoning violence. Understanding the nature of physical assault and its implications is crucial in fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and non-violence in both sports and society at large.

Coach Jeong Yosep, Oh Daehyun, and Hwang Yoon-Go's failure to intervene and stop the assault on Joo Jaekyung by Coach Hyung Park indeed implicates them in the wrongdoing. Their inaction constitutes a form of complicity, as they passively allowed the physical assault to occur without taking any steps to prevent it.

As witnesses to the violence, they had a moral obligation to intervene and protect the victim from harm. Their failure to do so not only demonstrates a lack of empathy and concern for Jaekyung's well-being but also perpetuates a culture of tolerance towards abusive behavior.

By standing idly by and not speaking out against the assault, Coach Jeong Yosep, Oh Daehyun, and Hwang Yoon-Go effectively become accomplices to the violence. Their silence and lack of action make them complicit in the perpetration of physical assault, and they share responsibility for the harm inflicted upon Jaekyung.

In failing to fulfill their duty to intervene and uphold ethical standards, Coach Jeong Yosep, Oh Daehyun, and Hwang Yoon-Go become guilty of enabling and condoning the abusive behavior of coach Park Namwook. Their inaction not only reflects poorly on their own moral character but also undermines the integrity of the institution or community they represent.
2024-04-06 10:59 marked
Mom said it's my turn on the computer
2024-04-05 08:33 marked
2023-11-14 02:04 marked
No. Wait no….
2023-11-13 00:48 marked
2023-10-13 18:07 marked
does anyone have any good tragic romance recs. like where 2 people are in love but then one of them dies.
2023-08-30 11:11 marked
Werk!! Serving us orgasm face eleganzaaaa.
2023-07-11 11:46 marked
what is this squggly diggly goofy ahh dilf doin here
2023-05-29 09:03 marked
im cutting taeju's dick off
2023-02-18 07:07 marked
What a sight! yazzz. werk it! UwU
2023-01-16 00:21 marked
Well not everyone lives in a big ass pent house idiot
2023-01-03 01:20 marked
2022-12-13 09:34 marked
2022-09-04 09:42 marked
i only seen a nigga so pretty twice in my life alright he's top three fs
2022-06-25 08:06 marked
UHM--sir, my boi takes Cain's weapon of destruction DAILY with HIS ASS not Michael's thankuverymuch
2022-06-14 10:14 marked

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