Can someone tell me if they know this manhwa?
It is about a girl a she had a bunny appearance literally then she had a child but her child got killed by a white tiger with an orage eyes? And then she was depressed for a while after mourning her son’s death she found out that the tiger who killed her son tried to go to the celestial i think? And then she wanted to get revenge and became the Jade Emperor many assaulted her because of that so she decided to forget about her dreams then, thousand years later she was ordered to find a flower she declined because it was only a legend and it didn’t exist but the one who ordered it pushed her and she was in earth. After a year of working hard she finally she was used of her daily life but then she saw a human who look exactly the tiger who ate his son a thousand years ago

Im a new translator and can i ask you how to upload your translated webtoon?

try Suujin's explanation:

Can i ask how to download your translation here?

try Suujin's explanation:
like you mean upload?

If u mean how to upload a chapter or a story... Then....
Can anyone give me list of manhwa that hasn’t been updated for a while or manhwa’s that the Translators drop pls... Because im choosing manhwa to update so yah
U doin gods work.
Marry me. I have a pop ring. Pls I'm on one knee here
heyy, can you pick up "I Am A Zombie"? don't know where to find the raws though, but it only has two chapters here and hasn't been updated for more than a year ;_;