Y'all saying that they are "mentally 20+ YRS OLD acting like 3 YRS old" is absolutely disgusting like THEY ARE FREAKIN MATURE?!?! In what part is there that is acting like 3 YRS old??? THEM CRYING BECAUSE THEY'RE FATHER IS NOW REALLY TRULY THERE FOR THEM?? WHAT?! TELL ME?!?! saying this as "overrated" just says a lot in your personality!!

THIS IS REALLY GOOD!!! AND IF YOU ARE ALREADY DONE AND THINK IT ISN'T ENOUGH THEN I WOULD LOVE YO INFORM YOU THAT YOU CAN FIND THIS IN CHAP 150/151 IN THE LIGHTNOVEL, HERE IS THE LINK IF YOU WANT* https://readnovelfull.com/the-villainess-reverses-the-hourglass/chapter-150.html * you're welcome
so cuteee