Regggaaaa December 4, 2018 5:16 pm

To keep it short, me and my best friend aren't best friend anymore, hell we rarely talk at school too or through social media due to pre dumb reasons

I distanced myself from my best friend bc i have a crush on him (btw this is a gay crush) for 2 years. He already rejected me once, therefore ik I don't have any chance with him, which ultimately led me to distance myself from him. And i felt if Im still super close with him, i would never move on

However, i feel so lonely and empty now without him. I miss talking, hugging, watchung tv and etc with him. Im unsure on what to do

    Phoenixtan December 4, 2018 6:11 pm

    Maybe have a conversation starter, like how r u doing? Or dont avoid him, keep talking

Regggaaaa July 30, 2017 6:36 pm

Ok. I am 15 bi and have a MASSIVE crush on my best friend who is a guy. He told me before that he was bi, but now he completely denied that he is actually bi. Tbh, I felt he just still in the closet, but I could be wrong. Anyway, it's worth mentioning that he actually already know that I have a crush on him, but he friend zoned me. 1 months has passed, I still have a crush on him. Now I felt he is trying to get close with me as well, I mean he asked me out to a movie just the two of us! I mean when some of my and his friends want to come along, he bluntly reject them. I felt kinda special. And now he often offered me piggyback, carry me around the oval and give me that touchy touchy kind of feels. And sometimes when I grab him from behind (you know the typical yaoi shit) he usually don t care, and there was this one time that our face touched, and he just said "wow you're so cold" but that's all!!!. Not only that, I've been hanging around with a girl recently and he has been super jealous!! Like it's written all over his face, i felt like I have chance, well not until two days ago....

If you guys been following the trend lately, there is this where u put anonymous comment about someone, so my crush made it for the giggles and shit. And then there are multiple questions asking "Are you dating with Rega?" (Rega is my name btw) and it made me feel like lot of people actually thinks we are dating, possibly because the way we act around each other. And then he said to me through a text message, "I don't get why people thinks I am into a dude" and blah blah. I felt super hurt and super bad. Some of my friends said that he is probably but just afraid to be judge by other for being bi. But who knows. So amyway, I felt hurt bc I thought I really did have a chance, I just love him so much. And I felt he do too, I can felt it through lot of his actions. But idek anymore. People told me to move on, but I just like him so much and he is super hot, like any advices guys? Do you think I should just wait for the right time? Should I move on?

    Kuma-Chan! July 30, 2017 7:04 pm

    In my opinion, that dude is totally into you. He's just afraid, maybe of getting outed as bi, or just being rejected. I don't think he meant any real harm out of saying "why would I be into a dude" , because your friends were pressuring him. Just keep doing things with him (alone) and see how it goes. Then catch him on a day where you two are alone and the moods kinda right, and confess again. He will probably say he also likes you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Good Luck!!! If you want, pls tell me how it goes ;)))

    Rianan D Halmsu July 30, 2017 7:12 pm

    I'd say make him super jealous. If he's still being all "how can I like a guy" and stuff, then move on and don't look back. If he knows you love him and, despite that he's still hurting you knowingly I'd say it's not worth it. Oh and do confess to him, just to make him understand in case he doesn't

    thefakeone July 30, 2017 7:12 pm

    Awww sweetie look I think if u rly rly rly massively love him I think u should come out and say it to him. BUT if he is homophobic and if u think he will do something like spread rumors or something u shouldn't. just support him and try and get his attention. Myb he is trying to protect himself bc alot of ppl are homophobic and who knows what they might do. Normal ppl don't grasp the concept of being bi. If ur a guy and say ur bi they will automatically say ur gay same for girls (yes this happened to me when i came out to my friends and they left me thinking I'm a lesbian and that they didn't want to be targeted) I think u should stick around him whenever u can and I think u should wait. Myb he is afraid. And from what I heard I think he like u too so good luck baby ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Spicypeerc July 30, 2017 7:24 pm

    not worth being in a relationship with such a guy. But it's your decision to make, maybe he'll change.

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands July 30, 2017 7:58 pm

    Push him down, rape him and let him fall in love with you over time, you know, the typical yapi scenario
    just kidding .. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Diana July 30, 2017 8:18 pm

    confess your feelings then move on or just kiss him and see how it goes if he rejects you, say that you wanted to try it also Rianan's suggestion to make him jealous is also good.

    LessThanThree July 30, 2017 10:25 pm
    I'd say make him super jealous. If he's still being all "how can I like a guy" and stuff, then move on and don't look back. If he knows you love him and, despite that he's still hurting you knowingly I'd say i... Rianan D Halmsu

    Generally I'm against the "make him jealous" bit, but in this case I agree with you due to the circumstances. He needs to know that he's being hurtful and can't expect OP to wait around forever.

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands July 30, 2017 11:21 pm

    I think you should go for the jealousy thing as well BUT there IS a chance that he might think you noticed his feelings(if he likes you that is) and making him jealous with idk saying you like some guy and talking about him could make him feel betrayed and he could give up on you or something.

    Regggaaaa July 31, 2017 9:04 am
    I think you should go for the jealousy thing as well BUT there IS a chance that he might think you noticed his feelings(if he likes you that is) and making him jealous with idk saying you like some guy and tal... MyHaremOfMangaHusbands

    He did it again. He wrote "You are so cute, will you go out with me, I've had a crush on you for a long time" and before I replied he texted me "Jk jk , sorry " Why would he do that? :( I am so heartbroken, did he forget that I have a crush on him? Like it feels sucks x

    Rianan D Halmsu July 31, 2017 10:03 am
    He did it again. He wrote "You are so cute, will you go out with me, I've had a crush on you for a long time" and before I replied he texted me "Jk jk , sorry " Why would he do that? :( I am so heartbroken,... Regggaaaa

    Remind him that you have a crush on him and that if he doesn't wish to reciprocate your feelings he shouldn't say stuff like that since it's plain hurtful

    Rianan D Halmsu July 31, 2017 10:04 am

    Stuff like that as in the "will you go out with me" thing

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands July 31, 2017 3:27 pm
    He did it again. He wrote "You are so cute, will you go out with me, I've had a crush on you for a long time" and before I replied he texted me "Jk jk , sorry " Why would he do that? :( I am so heartbroken,... Regggaaaa

    Maybe he is testing the waters?

    Regggaaaa August 1, 2017 3:19 am
    Maybe he is testing the waters? MyHaremOfMangaHusbands

    Update bitches. I told him that there is someone that have a crush on me, which is not true obviosuly. But it is a guy as well. Anyway, my crush was so demanding like "Who is it" blah blah. But I guess everyone is demanding when it comes to crushes. I told my crush his name. And then he was like "do you like him?" And I replied "Kinda". And he just bluntly said "Lol date him then" :( But suddenly he was like "Btw I am just gonna go away from you" and "I cbf talking to you anymore" And then he left. What do you think guys?!?!?! Give your piece of opinion XD

    Kuma-Chan! August 1, 2017 3:48 am
    Update bitches. I told him that there is someone that have a crush on me, which is not true obviosuly. But it is a guy as well. Anyway, my crush was so demanding like "Who is it" blah blah. But I guess everyone... Regggaaaa

    Holy shit this is literally like a yaoi aaaaaa

    Regggaaaa August 1, 2017 7:11 am

    GUYS. Now apparently there are rumours in my school that I sucked my crush dick, I do not made this up. Legit. Someone being a dick in my school. And one of my great friends do not want to tell me who created this rumour or from who he heard it. This just debilitated my chance with my crush even more :( although he didnt really care about it, it's definitely making my chance with him even worse. And tbh bc I haven't see my crush for a while, my crush with him also slowly dissipating. I don't want this kind of feeling to end. But my friend told me if we are meant for each other, we will be together whether it's next year or after graduation. So do I should leave it to fate? Or should I control my own Destiny?

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands August 1, 2017 8:11 am
    GUYS. Now apparently there are rumours in my school that I sucked my crush dick, I do not made this up. Legit. Someone being a dick in my school. And one of my great friends do not want to tell me who created t... Regggaaaa


    Regggaaaa August 1, 2017 11:03 am

    He will say no :( And I confessed already.

    Kuma-Chan! August 1, 2017 6:09 pm
    GUYS. Now apparently there are rumours in my school that I sucked my crush dick, I do not made this up. Legit. Someone being a dick in my school. And one of my great friends do not want to tell me who created t... Regggaaaa

    Ill tell you right now, if you leave it to fate you'll end up with a lot of regret. If you want something to happen, then make it happen yourself.

    Regggaaaa August 1, 2017 11:40 pm
    Ill tell you right now, if you leave it to fate you'll end up with a lot of regret. If you want something to happen, then make it happen yourself. Kuma-Chan!

    I decided tbh. He is mine. I am getting him no matter what! Idc if some of my friends think it's foolish, I'll try my best!! Wish me luck guys!

    Kuma-Chan! August 2, 2017 1:57 am
    I decided tbh. He is mine. I am getting him no matter what! Idc if some of my friends think it's foolish, I'll try my best!! Wish me luck guys! Regggaaaa

    Good luck! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands August 2, 2017 7:20 am
    I decided tbh. He is mine. I am getting him no matter what! Idc if some of my friends think it's foolish, I'll try my best!! Wish me luck guys! Regggaaaa

    You got this! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Regggaaaa August 5, 2017 11:36 am

    UPDATE: He kept talking kinky shit with me guys!! It drived me crazy, not to mention both of our fetish is the same, which is BDSM. I want him now, but I have to be patient x

Regggaaaa July 13, 2017 2:35 pm

I probably had the longest crush I ever had, it's at the point I don't even think it's a crush anymore. I am 15 and bi, having a crush on my best friend, who is a guy and also bi. He best-friend zoned me more than twice and hurts my feelings multiple times. And yet, I still have a crush on him so bad. I felt he has been denying his sexuality for a while, he reminds me of me when I just can't believe that I am bi. Ik that this is just mere assumption, I have so many evidences to prove that he is bi, so don't argue with me on this part, he is absolutely bi. Anyway, I've been crushing him so bad and he always act all touchy touchy with me, which sometimes making me think that he also like a me. I am a person that usually don't develop crush, making this crush a very special one. Should I move on from him or nah?

    Anonymous July 13, 2017 2:55 pm

    Bi or not, that is something he has to decide and come to terms with himself, it's his journey to make whether you know for sure or not. Do not pressure him to come out even though you like him. If he's friend zoned you multiple times then he obviously is not ready to come out. If it hurts that much to stay by his side and support him through his self discovery then yes, I would say to move on for your own sake. Best wishes to you

    souzi July 13, 2017 3:06 pm

    Hi!! ^_^ from what you are saying I think he isn't quite ready to come out as bi ,so what I believe you should do (don't know if it's okay or not) tell him one last time you like him and if he still say no, I think you should move on and be by his side and help him with any difficulties he might face
    At least that's what I would do, I really really hope you will have the best outcome and if not just think that everything is happening for a reason!!
    I hope that I helped you in some way!! :) ^~^

    Your Average Chick July 13, 2017 5:19 pm

    As a fellow bi person I think we take what people do kind of the wrong way? Or think it means more than what it does just because we're so open to both genders. So if he does something nonchalantly I don't think he means much by it. And if he's friend zoned you more than once I think he might be set on staying friends but, if you haven't had a real conversation with him about it you'll never know. Confronting someone is hard and if you need support or whatever feel free to reach out.

Regggaaaa May 13, 2017 2:19 pm

I am 15 years old male and bisexual (I like boys and girls). Recently, my crush towards my best friend who is a boy. Not to mention the fact that one of my friend that is a girl, has been hitting on my bf. I am super duper jealous. I really wanna confess to him, but don't want to mess our friendship and shit (Ikr cliche af) but still the fact that he is also a bisexual making me believe that I possibly have a chance. I probably just gonna hide this feelings forever. Tragic love story :(

    Anonymous May 13, 2017 2:23 pm

    Tbh i've been in this situation before and what i did was just told him that i liked him (even if the chance if him never talking to me was real) he was shocked but i didnt care because i would rather had him knownthan to keep my feelings bottled up and not know

    Jace *IM A BOY May 13, 2017 2:25 pm

    If I were you, take this chance til he is single, nothing will change if you just sit there and dream. I have liked my cousin ( a boy) but he got a girlfriend and i just realized my feelings too late. Take the risk, or watch him as he get lovers and be hurt. Even if you are rejected, atleast you know the answer and if you're not satisfied...... SEDUCE HIM HAHAHAHA nah just kiddin. But seriously, take this chance or you'll regret it.

    Mesperi May 13, 2017 2:25 pm

    You should probably confess to him. Its better to get it done and over with rather than keeping your feelings to yourself

    mehhhh May 13, 2017 2:28 pm

    say it bcs it's better said than kept. also confront the girl and tell her what u think about ur bff. She may possibly stop hitting on him

    Anonymous May 13, 2017 2:47 pm

    u kno what's more tragic? my non existence love story ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    goodluck anyways

    JulietClaire May 13, 2017 3:00 pm

    In my opinion, you probably should confess. Cause if you dont, you'll probably regret not confessing then imagine the possibilities if you did. At least when you do, you'll have closure on your feelings.

    Anonymous May 13, 2017 3:18 pm

    as long as u dont cheat, sure why not confess.

    Rianan D Halmsu May 13, 2017 4:07 pm

    Confess. It's better than to keep it to yourself. Given that he's bisexual, too, you may have a chance. He's your best friend and you guys are evidently close, right? That increases your chances.
    If he rejects you, it'll give it a sense of closure. Which is better than hanging precariously on a thin line.

    anonymous May 13, 2017 4:58 pm

    just confessed already man, if he ended up with the girl that hitting on him, you will regret it for sure. sorry my english.

    My name May 13, 2017 5:55 pm

    Dude same
    I posted this last week..except that my best friend has a crush on a girl and he asked me to help him lol(he's bi too...) Girl is older and he wants her to notice him ....
    And we're in our 20s luck to us?? I can't really give any helpful advice since we have the same dilemma (wtf..right?!?!) I just wanna say that ur not the only one and I hope that we'll make it no matter what happens

Regggaaaa January 28, 2017 7:30 am

I want a story where someone fall in love with a person that didn't give a damn about him. But later on this person give a damn about him and jealous when it's all too late. Plz, this is what I been experienced I want to read this kinda story.

Regggaaaa November 21, 2016 11:11 am

Basically, any yaoi that's when someone other than him touches the uke/the seme they got punished (you know what I mean by this XD) and the lover won't accept it. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Regggaaaa November 18, 2016 4:04 pm

What did you guys felt? Why do you fall in love with that person? How do you met that person? Give me mooreee love stories from Mangago Community lol (▰˘◡˘▰) Note: Fall in love, It's NOT just simple crush! Pour me with all of.your love!! :-)

    #801 November 18, 2016 7:17 pm

    i have never

    kyaaa November 18, 2016 7:42 pm


    yuki dora November 18, 2016 8:49 pm

    well...there's the guy...we met online...we don't even know each other..and he's stalking me for over a year...saying 'i love you go out with me'..just like that i give him a try and we started dating...of course he treats me like some kind of a princess and always taking care of me..and i like that affection of his and fall for him too...i was really happy that times and felt like..'ah..he's the one for me''s all happen after we dated..(LOL) btw we last 4months and broke up (=・ω・=)

    Anonymous November 18, 2016 9:37 pm

    I dont think i ever did, but i wanna know how it feels

    Deathscythe November 19, 2016 1:20 pm

    Have never felt it. Wanna know how it feels too though i just cant see myself falling in love with anyone besides my family.

Regggaaaa November 17, 2016 5:47 pm

I am 15 years old boy, bisexual, muslim and confused. I am certainly bisexual, but I am very religious and sometime when my parents explained why homosexual or LGBT is taboo in religious, sometime I convinced and I am in such dilemma. I know I am bisexual bc I am attracted to boy and girls, but my parents told me that homos existed just bc lust and it's a sickness that can be cured. PS they don't know I am bi. So, do you think being bisexual or LGBT is wrong? I meant I have crush on a guy not bc of how hot they are (In other words, it wasn't because of lust, correct?) It was because I felt something beyond friend, I think people that are straight won't understand this feeling, It's very tingly feeling towards the same sex, It's love. It's not just because I want a dick stick in my ass. I am so scared tho, I am very religious so I believe god exist and Heaven and Hell. It's very complicated when you believe your religion with all of your heart, but you also become something that your religions strongly won't accept!! So tragic

    NoName November 17, 2016 5:59 pm

    I think having that kind of mentality is wrong and sick.No offense,I respect everyone's beliefts but I think is wrong to judge someone based on the things he was born with or the things he didn't chose.Just follow your heart,be true to youself and everything is going to be just fine.

    kmt132 November 17, 2016 6:02 pm

    There is absolutely nothiny wrong with being LGBTQ. A lot of religious believe otherwise, but your values should be your own values, not what other people forced upon you. I know it's hard when you were raised to believe that homosexuality is wrong, but if religion teaches you to accept and love everyone equally, isn't it contradictory to discriminate prople based on something they can't control (sexual orientation)? You're not hurting anyone by being bisexual, so logically there's nothing wrong with it. Don't let arbitrary beliefs define you. To be religious, you don't have to agree with 100% of the coran.

    Monicawinz November 17, 2016 6:05 pm christian lgbt is againts the bible not sure about muslim but, i think every religion againts them. Bcs God create boys and girls for each other. But actually i dont hate lgbt people and i dont feel any disgust towards then at all. And im sure gay people like each other is not only because of lust bcs they also have feelings. Also gay relationship seems more faithful than normal couple i guess? I cannot say its wrong or not. I love my religion but I cannot againts gay people even though the bible againts it

    PinkySlinky November 17, 2016 6:08 pm

    I'm a 27 year old woman, bisexual and also religious. It took me almost all my life to accept i am exactly what my religion tells me not to be. it's really not worth it to feel misserable all your live, just because someone wrote something down thousands of years ago. You're still so young. It would be sad if you'd become such a mess because of this, just like me. It's really not worth it

    kawaii November 17, 2016 7:17 pm

    For Muslim, supports LGBT is torally wrong bur i know how you felt cuz i'm a lesbian.I have this phobia with guys.(≧∀≦) I'm a Muslim too...I think its maybe bcuz of the youth. My mom take me to a doctor to cure me...*sigh* now...I just live my life as a normal girl...But i'm still afraid of boys

    Anonymous November 17, 2016 7:24 pm
    For Muslim, supports LGBT is torally wrong bur i know how you felt cuz i'm a lesbian.I have this phobia with guys.(≧∀≦) I'm a Muslim too...I think its maybe bcuz of the youth. My mom take me to a doctor t... @kawaii

    "my mom take me to a doctor to cure me" ....... WTF???? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    LessThanThree November 17, 2016 7:59 pm

    Don't worry! Nothing is wrong with you. I know I struggled for years about my sexuality because it's abnormal. I thought no one else was like that, but the fact that your sexuality has a name shows that you're not alone. There are plenty of others like you. I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. I'd suggest joining a private Facebook group if you have a Facebook. Though you'd need a friend who is already in such a group in order for it not to be seen. There are also other websites and things like subreddits. Just know that places on the internet, such as pages like Lizzy the Lezzy, are safe spaces for you where people know how you feel. Sending lots of love your way! :)

    mrl98 November 17, 2016 8:05 pm

    Being bisexual isn't forbidden in Islam, sex is lol, like all kinds of sex is forbidden in Islam unless you're married and even if you're married anal sex is forbidden :D so anal sex is a no no wether you're a man or a woman.
    There are 4 scholars if you're a muslim you'd heard of them ( abo hanifa- shafy etc..) those 4 all argue if there is a punishment for someone who is homosexual. In Quran Sodomys were punished for various reasons being disbelievers, having sex and raping even random men and also taking both men and women, they were horrible bunch of people. Basically if you're a muslim you're allowed to love whoever but no sex ( lol) and unless you're caught in action ( whether it's male or female) you will be punished if like 4 people caught you in action, which is quiet a lot of people. You wont find other than adultery is forbidden in Quran anything that says loving another man is wrong.
    Anyway as a fellow muslim, I'd say pray like you always do, and fall in love as well. Just don't lead a lustful life, find a partner and stay in a commited relation, There is nothing that isn't forbidden as long as you're not hurting anyone :)

    Anonymous November 17, 2016 8:07 pm

    Sometimes being Muslim is hard but there is always a reason for such rules I can say what to do but I rather say do your own research like I did. In my country women should wear borka(veil type thing) so I searched for the reason of the constain.I found out it was to protect women from evil or lustful eyes(whatever you say men look at women that way and in my country men do worse and get away by it) so wore it to protect myself.Even though I am an open minded person doesn't mean everyone will be. And about your parents they just human being they never faced such situation they aren't that old to be all wise...they are afraid of the society and for you whom they might not be able to help.I know you are 15 but for now cool your head don't do anything rushed just talk to very close friend who isn't really really close minded.I really pray that you can be helped and don't do anything unreasonable and wait for 5 years maybe you will find your rates oneヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    mrl98 November 17, 2016 8:09 pm

    There is nothing that isn't forgiven not forbidden

    Anonymous November 17, 2016 8:18 pm
    Sometimes being Muslim is hard but there is always a reason for such rules I can say what to do but I rather say do your own research like I did. In my country women should wear borka(veil type thing) so I sear... @Anonymous

    Sorry fated sorry too big and small could see my miss
    ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    hello its yaoi November 17, 2016 8:45 pm

    I am a 15 years old girl, i am bisexual it is not because of lust. I just want to love a person with all my heart. I don't look at gender or religion. Everybody is free to follow his heart.
    All my friends know that i am bi and they are straight, but they love my character, they accept me for who i am and so do i.

    (My Father and my mother don't life together)
    Parents reaction: Well my father was like ,,its okay,,
    my mother is like ,, why ?? did i raised you wrong ? blah blah blah... ,,she really hate me now
    And than i asked my dad ,,is it really that wrong to be who i am, to love a person because he is a beautiful being.,,
    You know what my father said ,, i love you for who you are and no matter whats gonna happened I AM HERE FOR YOU,,

    Now i life alone with my father and my 4 siblings life with my mother. You know what, i am happy the way i am and i believe that if i can find my happiness you can find yours.

    Arianna November 17, 2016 8:54 pm

    if you are religious, i think it is best if you read and interpreted the Quran. though, i do not believe there is anything in there that says that being gay/bisexual is sin and is forbidden, you may want to check. i am not saying that it is wrong, but you might want to check just to be sure. however, if you are religious, you should also see it in different ways. if Allah created man, doesn't that mean you were meant to be bisexual? if Allah controls the fate/destiny of man, doesn't that mean this is who you are supposed to be? Allah gives everyone their own purpose in life. the Quran might the your religious text, but it is not the first, which was written by the prophet Muhammad, i believe. people throughout the years have reworded it and added things to it. some may be a lie which was never supposed to be there. do not put your faith in a book and what others say. believe only in yourself, in Allah, and the path he has given you. i hope you have a wonderful day, sir.

    Kaito.Hat November 17, 2016 9:04 pm

    As a fellow Muslim, I understand how harsh many members of our community can be towards the LGBT. But know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Being bisexual is just as natural as being straight, even if homophobes say otherwise. Honestly, if you think your parents will never be accepting of who you are, just leave. Not now, of course, but when you are at an age where you are able to support yourself. It's not good to live in a toxic environment where you feel you have to suppress yourself just for being who you are.

    I understand your conflicting feelings as well. Sometimes you just hold beliefs that stray away from that of your religion. It's not just Islam, but other religions too. It's not surprising that our values differ from the followers of older religions. It's just a part of being human.

    And I personally believe that if god really exists, he would love you no matter what your sexuality. There are so many worse sins out there than the "sin" of homosexuality. Still, in the end, it's your life. I just hope live your life happily, and the way you live feels right to you.

    I imagine the moment when your November 17, 2016 9:06 pm

    Just imaginer if they discover thats you read Yaoi its chock and trauma for them but i cant imagine there situation if they discover you are Bi
    Readinh Yaoi its just like committing signs for me because im musulman too and i hide it because its abnormal and perverts to read such thing !
    I listen to my advice dont listen to people who tell you BE YOURSELF !!! Iam warnings you because the society will never forgive you and also its shame infron your parents and family ! Listen just hide your feeling and get married with girl and have children and forget about thr lust and pleaser! Im misulman too and i understand you !
    Dont make fool decision and made mistakes try to hide it to live peaceful life :)

    Anonymous November 17, 2016 9:57 pm
    Just imaginer if they discover thats you read Yaoi its chock and trauma for them but i cant imagine there situation if they discover you are Bi Readinh Yaoi its just like committing signs for me because im musu... @I imagine the moment when your

    The fuck dude?

    LessThanThree November 17, 2016 10:02 pm
    The fuck dude? @Anonymous


    Anonymous November 17, 2016 10:07 pm
    Just imaginer if they discover thats you read Yaoi its chock and trauma for them but i cant imagine there situation if they discover you are Bi Readinh Yaoi its just like committing signs for me because im musu... @I imagine the moment when your

    Dude I am gonna be honest do read the news where a gay killed ....coz he married coz of his father well sth alone the lines don't ruin this kid's life just coz you are a coward.He can break free from all this with his head held high as he already took the first step of sharing with his family and friends.Now he just needs to go to an independent country where people aren't judge by their sexual preference. You are going to be a bad father who force his kids to follow rules and be all perfect and break him.Don't you read manga what the hell did to you learned from it

    evebolt November 17, 2016 11:24 pm

    I'm a Christian, so I also understand the dilemma of supporting LGBT despite our religious beliefs. But I believe that God, the all forgiving God, wont be so shallow that He throws people to hell just because they love other person who happens to be the same gender. Religion and it's teaching is man made anyway, we don't really know which is God's true word and which is not. I think as long as we don't cause harms to other people, we'll be good (and being gay definitely does not cause any harms to other people).

    Maakim November 18, 2016 12:24 am

    hey.. don't be affraid. you still 15, you can change. If you think properly why your religion said Lgbt is lust, i think you'll understand.
    if what you said it's true that you're religious, i think you should try the path that can make you a good moslem. learn it more, make a good friend with a good moslems. Since you are bi, it's still possible to fall for good moslem woman. trust me proper moslem woman is one of good partner of life.

    Maakim November 18, 2016 1:39 am

    I think all of people are Bi. Love and love with interest are different. I agree that love isn't wrong.
    But believe it your religion has tell you the right thing. There must be a reason why God said "you shouldn't". Trust what your God said. If you're think & learn it properly you'll understand.
    I think your parents is not enough. in your school you'll find moslem community or something, if they are good, hang out with them you'll understand how moslem's perspective, what their orientation of life, but DON'T be a moslem fanatic. Become wise and know the limit.

    LessThanThree November 18, 2016 2:40 am
    hey.. don't be affraid. you still 15, you can change. If you think properly why your religion said Lgbt is lust, i think you'll understand. if what you said it's true that you're religious, i think you should t... Maakim

    I completely disagree. I know many Muslims who are okay with homosexuality. It all depends on what you are taught. My parents have different religious beliefs. I have different religious beliefs. I was raised her religion, but found my own beliefs in time.

    Don't take your parents' words as gospel (ironic use of the term, but the only one I can think of atm). Do you think Allah hates homosexuals? I know many Muslims who believe that love is love, and that Allah would never punish you for loving. You have to think for yourself. What kind of god do you believe in? None of us can tell you. Only you can find the answer. What I CAN tell you, however, is that surpressing your feelings can really hurt you emotionally in the long run.

    Honestly, as an atheist, if I believed in a god and that god told me that homosexuality is wrong, I probably wouldn't have been worshiping them in the first place. I wouldn't want to revere something so hateful, even if it gave me life.

    Remember that there is an entire community who is there for you and loves you unconditionally. You'll never be alone.

    Maakim November 18, 2016 6:39 am
    I completely disagree. I know many Muslims who are okay with homosexuality. It all depends on what you are taught. My parents have different religious beliefs. I have different religious beliefs. I was raised h... LessThanThree

    There are so many muslim who has high tolerance. But tolerance is different from support. A true muslim won't support it. As a believer I'm sure Lgbt and Islam won't work in the same way, but I'm not against lgbt. It's up to yourself.
    I know It's not the love that Allah forbid. But a believer will try to learn what Allah's intention. It's not people who make rules that convinient for them, people should learn the rules itself. I believe God is very tolerant too but it doesn't mean we should hang all inconvinient thing in God's tolerance.
    Since this guy is still believe in god, he has religion, i think it's better to learn his religion more. If he doesn't belief his parents, he can learn from his muslim friend and especially his Quran and thinking about it properly.
    It's not about you'll be discriminated or not, but what are you in God's eye since you're believer. He can choose to be obdient or not but every choice come with consequency.

    mrl98 November 18, 2016 7:44 am
    There are so many muslim who has high tolerance. But tolerance is different from support. A true muslim won't support it. As a believer I'm sure Lgbt and Islam won't work in the same way, but I'm not against lg... Maakim

    I'm a muslim too, and your words are making it worse. The kid should learn to accept himself and to love Allah. What you're doing is saying that being a bi is a no no in Islam. Well guess what, I've asked scholars as long as you don't have sex in public it's your problem doing whatever. Islam encourages marriage and having a family. You should learn more about Islam and the 4 major scholars instead of Saudi/ISIS islam where they hate on everything.
    For the original poster, Be yourself don't immerse yourself in lust and whoever you fall in love with you should dedicate your life for, just like any hetero couple. And if y

    mrl98 November 18, 2016 7:45 am

    And if you're living in a homophobic country, there are platforms that support homosexuals/Bisexuals and advice them.

    Regggaaaa November 18, 2016 2:57 pm
    I completely disagree. I know many Muslims who are okay with homosexuality. It all depends on what you are taught. My parents have different religious beliefs. I have different religious beliefs. I was raised h... LessThanThree

    You have like 3+ comments in this discussion and all of them really opened my eye and omg you really nice and giving so many positive words that just expunge all of my negative thinking I had for awhile. And for SOMEONE random in the internet, you are so NICE and stay true to your words in this discussion. Thank you so much for being really amazing! If Mangago had Noble Prize Awards you are so winning that shit (●'◡'●)ノ

    LessThanThree November 18, 2016 3:20 pm
    You have like 3+ comments in this discussion and all of them really opened my eye and omg you really nice and giving so many positive words that just expunge all of my negative thinking I had for awhile. And fo... Regggaaaa

    I can assure you that I'm a jerk and many people on this site would disagree. I only say this because if I don't, someone will probably point it out lol. I need to think before I speak/type most of the time. I've made soooo many regrettable posts on this website..

    But when you can relate to a situation or are passionate about it then you can talk about it better, I guess.

Regggaaaa November 12, 2016 3:55 pm

I want an extremely cute uke/seme at the point where I just want to squeeze them!! Possibly boy-ish and someone that just so positive make you smile!! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭(▰˘◡˘▰) I am very stress right now I need CUTENESS, someone help me?!

Regggaaaa October 29, 2016 8:35 am

I am an avid fundanshi read tons of BL. But Rutta to Kodama is my fav of all time, I want another manga that similar. I want a couple that just ubreakable, cute and truly loved each other. I want something like Rutta to Kodama with no bullshit drama and if you can a couple that ARE dating like Rutta to Kodama. HELP ME!!!

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