For the first time in my life, I read a story bout douchebag fallin in love with another douchebag. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Shouji x Terumi!! They are the perfect description of douchebag cheater that only care about themselves. The fact that Shouji haven't break up with Honami in the middle of story when he know he loves Terumi, is simply stupid and both of them are hypocrites saying they care about Honami when they are CLEARLY NOT! then when Honami discovered both of them cheating, Terumi and Honami had sex?!?!?! WTF -_- and then two of them dating, not to mention Terumi fuckin know he in love with Shouji and yet banging Honami. The best part he cheated with Shouji later on and bang like crazy as usual. Then, the stupid Honami has to be betrayed once again with the douchebag couple bc duh!!! Honami never learns his lesson.
No matter how much you guys enjoy the story, you can't deny that every fuckin character here is just simple douchebags who probably still in their puberty and immature enough just to say "I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE, I THINK I MIGHT LIKE SOMEONE ELSE" Rant OUT!!

I am actually like the doctor, so I was pleased. BUT!!!! The uke shouldn't have play 2nd feelings. By having sex with 2nd give him a false hope.
For me personally, I just hate when people have multiple sex partner (whether they are in relationship or not), even I hate people like that in real life. There is so much more!! How bout you guys ? Anything you want to add of why The uke is hateable? ( ̄へ ̄)

Wow, seems like my year will not end in bad and condemned way. where were have you guys been? i am so glad i came across two people in just 1 day who share the same sentiment after being called ignorant, slut shaming shit person and such for such a long time.
not even once is acceptable for me. as i commented to the tag and other comment, just because the backdoor was opened he let other come in and he must be so thirsty for being left for a couple of days. i literally thrown my phone away when he ride no.2
you all are wondering why did i even read it until the end and for two times? i forgot to x marked this and i make sure to it to see everything i've started till the end.
sorry for the long post but it seems like as time goes bymy contempt to this sentiment only grows stronger.

But it's depend… Like me I wished than keigo turn for Tomoya. Even of that was evident it would not end like this: I read so much story like this, it was predictable. But for me who still have little hope, it was great see Keigo go for Tomoya. After all ta the beginning, there're no feeling at all, just money (even if at the end this still a money relationship…)

Hello Guys! (●'◡'●)ノ
Based on my theory and perhaps everyone perspective why Karino show his love by force because he thought it was the only way to get Azusa, right? #maybe. But let's put ourselves in Karino's shoes and Imagine that you are in love with a king but you are basically nothing and certainly have no chances to be with him. Then, when you have the chance to turn table around would you do it and raped the person that you love( I know this is crazy). But, would you do it? My real question is would you do all the things Karino do when you in his situation? Or would you have different way of showing your love to someone like the king? Karino is a twisted a character and has batshit crazy way to show his love (hopefully he do love Azusa(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 so I want to know everybody alternative plan that you may do to get Azusa? Just curious!

Be nicer and not force a 4some. Also when Azusa visited karino's house he could have been nicer instead of rejecting him. Karino's hot but he's a douchebag.

he loves him but what he shows is a sick obsession for him in that he will do anything to have azusa...plus he's angry at him

I don't think he really has love for Azusa. Just lust and power control. Basically he just needs someone that he finds attractive to fuck before he follows his family's footstep and be the lucky, capable son of a politician

Yup you're right. But I also feel that he has become attached to Azusa emotionally. There are subtle hints of it in the manga. When Karino gently kisses Azusa when he was crying, when Karino got jealous of the teacher and when he helps Azusa to the finish line.
I am sorry, in my perspective this manga showing a BIG fuck of Toxic Relationship, it is obvious they love for each other but going through all that bullshit is just bad for any type of relationship. Basically, NOTHING good from this type of relationship, Kyouchi remind me of my uncle so much the way he dealt everything with my Aunt so NAIVELY and SELFISHLY and IMMATURELY.
So if you're a person who in relationship and have the same mindset as those two, try to change it and don't think about it too much and let your love burning up by itself and don't deceive other, feeling is something naturally appeared as well as love. I think the problem of why Kyouchi and Imagase relationship WILL NEVER work out bc of the fact they dont communicate very well and dont convey their feelings very well, which is one of the main reason many relationship these days ain't working out.
I really adore this manga and I rate it 5/5, but I hate how they make that LOVE is Divine Punishment and make people like me who single became very pessimistic of love. Love supposed to be something that make you happy and felt LOVED when the whole world hate you. So for one last time, if you having relationship like those two fuckhead, It's NOT love when both of you just hurting each other. As realistic this may be, dont follow their path of love.
I am sorry that it is so long XD
Btw, just wanna add, if people say that LOVE like those two are realistic and it's life, then It's also realistic for you try to find better person that are actually at least ADMIT that he/she love you
It's always better to have a pessimistic view about love than be blindly optimistic about it. Romanticism has ruined love a long time ago and I bet it's one of the reasons why plenty of people are unhappy today. What I liked about this manga is like it's a realistic journey of a couple struggling to get out of the chains of so-called romantic love that hurt them so deeply (esp. Imagase and his expectations) and into a more pessimistic-realistic view of "I don't know what the future brings but at this moment it feels so right to stay with you. And if it doesn't work, I'll just watch you walk away with a smile on my face knowing that I did what I could". This is the beauty of the narrative.
Yeah, Imagase and Kyouichi are not for each other. In fact, nobody are for each other. There is no "right" person. We humans are so vastly different from each other that no two piece match perfectly. Romanticism dictates that there is that one person out there somewhere which we'll have to find, marry and then everything else would fall into place. This dangerous notion sometimes lead people into switching partners rapidly or divorce at a drop of a hat. Love doesn't work that way. Love is embracing uncertainty. In that way, Love is indeed "Divine Punishment". It is only brave to admit that. I love how this manga wrapped into the characters' eventual realisation of this.
Romantcism ruins romantic love. Pessimism saves it.