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Regggaaaa November 23, 2016 8:35 pm

I am sorry, in my perspective this manga showing a BIG fuck of Toxic Relationship, it is obvious they love for each other but going through all that bullshit is just bad for any type of relationship. Basically, NOTHING good from this type of relationship, Kyouchi remind me of my uncle so much the way he dealt everything with my Aunt so NAIVELY and SELFISHLY and IMMATURELY.

So if you're a person who in relationship and have the same mindset as those two, try to change it and don't think about it too much and let your love burning up by itself and don't deceive other, feeling is something naturally appeared as well as love. I think the problem of why Kyouchi and Imagase relationship WILL NEVER work out bc of the fact they dont communicate very well and dont convey their feelings very well, which is one of the main reason many relationship these days ain't working out.

I really adore this manga and I rate it 5/5, but I hate how they make that LOVE is Divine Punishment and make people like me who single became very pessimistic of love. Love supposed to be something that make you happy and felt LOVED when the whole world hate you. So for one last time, if you having relationship like those two fuckhead, It's NOT love when both of you just hurting each other. As realistic this may be, dont follow their path of love.

I am sorry that it is so long XD

    Regggaaaa November 23, 2016 8:46 pm

    Btw, just wanna add, if people say that LOVE like those two are realistic and it's life, then It's also realistic for you try to find better person that are actually at least ADMIT that he/she love you

    Tara Dikov January 7, 2017 10:13 pm

    It's always better to have a pessimistic view about love than be blindly optimistic about it. Romanticism has ruined love a long time ago and I bet it's one of the reasons why plenty of people are unhappy today. What I liked about this manga is like it's a realistic journey of a couple struggling to get out of the chains of so-called romantic love that hurt them so deeply (esp. Imagase and his expectations) and into a more pessimistic-realistic view of "I don't know what the future brings but at this moment it feels so right to stay with you. And if it doesn't work, I'll just watch you walk away with a smile on my face knowing that I did what I could". This is the beauty of the narrative.

    Yeah, Imagase and Kyouichi are not for each other. In fact, nobody are for each other. There is no "right" person. We humans are so vastly different from each other that no two piece match perfectly. Romanticism dictates that there is that one person out there somewhere which we'll have to find, marry and then everything else would fall into place. This dangerous notion sometimes lead people into switching partners rapidly or divorce at a drop of a hat. Love doesn't work that way. Love is embracing uncertainty. In that way, Love is indeed "Divine Punishment". It is only brave to admit that. I love how this manga wrapped into the characters' eventual realisation of this.

    Romantcism ruins romantic love. Pessimism saves it.

Regggaaaa November 15, 2016 2:52 pm

For the first time in my life, I read a story bout douchebag fallin in love with another douchebag. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Shouji x Terumi!! They are the perfect description of douchebag cheater that only care about themselves. The fact that Shouji haven't break up with Honami in the middle of story when he know he loves Terumi, is simply stupid and both of them are hypocrites saying they care about Honami when they are CLEARLY NOT! then when Honami discovered both of them cheating, Terumi and Honami had sex?!?!?! WTF -_- and then two of them dating, not to mention Terumi fuckin know he in love with Shouji and yet banging Honami. The best part he cheated with Shouji later on and bang like crazy as usual. Then, the stupid Honami has to be betrayed once again with the douchebag couple bc duh!!! Honami never learns his lesson.

No matter how much you guys enjoy the story, you can't deny that every fuckin character here is just simple douchebags who probably still in their puberty and immature enough just to say "I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE, I THINK I MIGHT LIKE SOMEONE ELSE" Rant OUT!!

    AngelsLips August 29, 2017 2:54 am

    Couldn't have said it better my self! xD LOL this comment was spot on

Regggaaaa's questions ( All 12 )

Regggaaaa December 4, 2018 5:16 pm

To keep it short, me and my best friend aren't best friend anymore, hell we rarely talk at school too or through social media due to pre dumb reasons

I distanced myself from my best friend bc i have a crush on him (btw this is a gay crush) for 2 years. He already rejected me once, therefore ik I don't have any chance with him, which ultimately led me to distance myself from him. And i felt if Im still super close with him, i would never move on

However, i feel so lonely and empty now without him. I miss talking, hugging, watchung tv and etc with him. Im unsure on what to do

    Phoenixtan December 4, 2018 6:11 pm

    Maybe have a conversation starter, like how r u doing? Or dont avoid him, keep talking

Regggaaaa July 30, 2017 6:36 pm

Ok. I am 15 bi and have a MASSIVE crush on my best friend who is a guy. He told me before that he was bi, but now he completely denied that he is actually bi. Tbh, I felt he just still in the closet, but I could be wrong. Anyway, it's worth mentioning that he actually already know that I have a crush on him, but he friend zoned me. 1 months has passed, I still have a crush on him. Now I felt he is trying to get close with me as well, I mean he asked me out to a movie just the two of us! I mean when some of my and his friends want to come along, he bluntly reject them. I felt kinda special. And now he often offered me piggyback, carry me around the oval and give me that touchy touchy kind of feels. And sometimes when I grab him from behind (you know the typical yaoi shit) he usually don t care, and there was this one time that our face touched, and he just said "wow you're so cold" but that's all!!!. Not only that, I've been hanging around with a girl recently and he has been super jealous!! Like it's written all over his face, i felt like I have chance, well not until two days ago....

If you guys been following the trend lately, there is this where u put anonymous comment about someone, so my crush made it for the giggles and shit. And then there are multiple questions asking "Are you dating with Rega?" (Rega is my name btw) and it made me feel like lot of people actually thinks we are dating, possibly because the way we act around each other. And then he said to me through a text message, "I don't get why people thinks I am into a dude" and blah blah. I felt super hurt and super bad. Some of my friends said that he is probably but just afraid to be judge by other for being bi. But who knows. So amyway, I felt hurt bc I thought I really did have a chance, I just love him so much. And I felt he do too, I can felt it through lot of his actions. But idek anymore. People told me to move on, but I just like him so much and he is super hot, like any advices guys? Do you think I should just wait for the right time? Should I move on?

    Kuma-Chan! July 30, 2017 7:04 pm

    In my opinion, that dude is totally into you. He's just afraid, maybe of getting outed as bi, or just being rejected. I don't think he meant any real harm out of saying "why would I be into a dude" , because your friends were pressuring him. Just keep doing things with him (alone) and see how it goes. Then catch him on a day where you two are alone and the moods kinda right, and confess again. He will probably say he also likes you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Good Luck!!! If you want, pls tell me how it goes ;)))

    Rianan D Halmsu July 30, 2017 7:12 pm

    I'd say make him super jealous. If he's still being all "how can I like a guy" and stuff, then move on and don't look back. If he knows you love him and, despite that he's still hurting you knowingly I'd say it's not worth it. Oh and do confess to him, just to make him understand in case he doesn't

    thefakeone July 30, 2017 7:12 pm

    Awww sweetie look I think if u rly rly rly massively love him I think u should come out and say it to him. BUT if he is homophobic and if u think he will do something like spread rumors or something u shouldn't. just support him and try and get his attention. Myb he is trying to protect himself bc alot of ppl are homophobic and who knows what they might do. Normal ppl don't grasp the concept of being bi. If ur a guy and say ur bi they will automatically say ur gay same for girls (yes this happened to me when i came out to my friends and they left me thinking I'm a lesbian and that they didn't want to be targeted) I think u should stick around him whenever u can and I think u should wait. Myb he is afraid. And from what I heard I think he like u too so good luck baby ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Spicypeerc July 30, 2017 7:24 pm

    not worth being in a relationship with such a guy. But it's your decision to make, maybe he'll change.

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands July 30, 2017 7:58 pm

    Push him down, rape him and let him fall in love with you over time, you know, the typical yapi scenario
    just kidding .. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Diana July 30, 2017 8:18 pm

    confess your feelings then move on or just kiss him and see how it goes if he rejects you, say that you wanted to try it also Rianan's suggestion to make him jealous is also good.

    LessThanThree July 30, 2017 10:25 pm
    I'd say make him super jealous. If he's still being all "how can I like a guy" and stuff, then move on and don't look back. If he knows you love him and, despite that he's still hurting you knowingly I'd say i... Rianan D Halmsu

    Generally I'm against the "make him jealous" bit, but in this case I agree with you due to the circumstances. He needs to know that he's being hurtful and can't expect OP to wait around forever.

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands July 30, 2017 11:21 pm

    I think you should go for the jealousy thing as well BUT there IS a chance that he might think you noticed his feelings(if he likes you that is) and making him jealous with idk saying you like some guy and talking about him could make him feel betrayed and he could give up on you or something.

    Regggaaaa July 31, 2017 9:04 am
    I think you should go for the jealousy thing as well BUT there IS a chance that he might think you noticed his feelings(if he likes you that is) and making him jealous with idk saying you like some guy and tal... MyHaremOfMangaHusbands

    He did it again. He wrote "You are so cute, will you go out with me, I've had a crush on you for a long time" and before I replied he texted me "Jk jk , sorry " Why would he do that? :( I am so heartbroken, did he forget that I have a crush on him? Like it feels sucks x

    Rianan D Halmsu July 31, 2017 10:03 am
    He did it again. He wrote "You are so cute, will you go out with me, I've had a crush on you for a long time" and before I replied he texted me "Jk jk , sorry " Why would he do that? :( I am so heartbroken,... Regggaaaa

    Remind him that you have a crush on him and that if he doesn't wish to reciprocate your feelings he shouldn't say stuff like that since it's plain hurtful

    Rianan D Halmsu July 31, 2017 10:04 am

    Stuff like that as in the "will you go out with me" thing

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands July 31, 2017 3:27 pm
    He did it again. He wrote "You are so cute, will you go out with me, I've had a crush on you for a long time" and before I replied he texted me "Jk jk , sorry " Why would he do that? :( I am so heartbroken,... Regggaaaa

    Maybe he is testing the waters?

    Regggaaaa August 1, 2017 3:19 am
    Maybe he is testing the waters? MyHaremOfMangaHusbands

    Update bitches. I told him that there is someone that have a crush on me, which is not true obviosuly. But it is a guy as well. Anyway, my crush was so demanding like "Who is it" blah blah. But I guess everyone is demanding when it comes to crushes. I told my crush his name. And then he was like "do you like him?" And I replied "Kinda". And he just bluntly said "Lol date him then" :( But suddenly he was like "Btw I am just gonna go away from you" and "I cbf talking to you anymore" And then he left. What do you think guys?!?!?! Give your piece of opinion XD

    Kuma-Chan! August 1, 2017 3:48 am
    Update bitches. I told him that there is someone that have a crush on me, which is not true obviosuly. But it is a guy as well. Anyway, my crush was so demanding like "Who is it" blah blah. But I guess everyone... Regggaaaa

    Holy shit this is literally like a yaoi aaaaaa

    Regggaaaa August 1, 2017 7:11 am

    GUYS. Now apparently there are rumours in my school that I sucked my crush dick, I do not made this up. Legit. Someone being a dick in my school. And one of my great friends do not want to tell me who created this rumour or from who he heard it. This just debilitated my chance with my crush even more :( although he didnt really care about it, it's definitely making my chance with him even worse. And tbh bc I haven't see my crush for a while, my crush with him also slowly dissipating. I don't want this kind of feeling to end. But my friend told me if we are meant for each other, we will be together whether it's next year or after graduation. So do I should leave it to fate? Or should I control my own Destiny?

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands August 1, 2017 8:11 am
    GUYS. Now apparently there are rumours in my school that I sucked my crush dick, I do not made this up. Legit. Someone being a dick in my school. And one of my great friends do not want to tell me who created t... Regggaaaa


    Regggaaaa August 1, 2017 11:03 am

    He will say no :( And I confessed already.

    Kuma-Chan! August 1, 2017 6:09 pm
    GUYS. Now apparently there are rumours in my school that I sucked my crush dick, I do not made this up. Legit. Someone being a dick in my school. And one of my great friends do not want to tell me who created t... Regggaaaa

    Ill tell you right now, if you leave it to fate you'll end up with a lot of regret. If you want something to happen, then make it happen yourself.

    Regggaaaa August 1, 2017 11:40 pm
    Ill tell you right now, if you leave it to fate you'll end up with a lot of regret. If you want something to happen, then make it happen yourself. Kuma-Chan!

    I decided tbh. He is mine. I am getting him no matter what! Idc if some of my friends think it's foolish, I'll try my best!! Wish me luck guys!

    Kuma-Chan! August 2, 2017 1:57 am
    I decided tbh. He is mine. I am getting him no matter what! Idc if some of my friends think it's foolish, I'll try my best!! Wish me luck guys! Regggaaaa

    Good luck! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands August 2, 2017 7:20 am
    I decided tbh. He is mine. I am getting him no matter what! Idc if some of my friends think it's foolish, I'll try my best!! Wish me luck guys! Regggaaaa

    You got this! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Regggaaaa August 5, 2017 11:36 am

    UPDATE: He kept talking kinky shit with me guys!! It drived me crazy, not to mention both of our fetish is the same, which is BDSM. I want him now, but I have to be patient x

Regggaaaa's message board ( All 1 )

kingling September 20, 2017 2:12 pm

Hey buddy, I THINK you should seriously talk with him about your feelings, he might be in the closet or maybe he's not bi, but doesn't look like he hates you so please talk with him. No point in forcing him if he's in the closet, atleast he'll know that you love him. Try out whatever options you have then atleast you won't feel regret later in life. highschool crush is something which always stays within so give your best and don't give up, but make yourself mentally ready to suffer the blow if that time ever comes. have a good day, don't forget to think bout your crush

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