the blond guy is such an ass. I know it’s obvious they’re going to get together but he bullied the other guy for such a petty reason. just cause you’re going through your own shit doesn’t give you permission to treat other people like that. also if I was the other guy I would’ve reported him to the school he’s literally stalking/hitting/bullying him every change he gets
( ̄へ ̄)

Tatsumi you listen and you listen well. You treat that man like the KING he is or so help me I will finish the job that bitch couldn’t. He waited 4 YEARS for your ass and forgave you even though you scammed both him AND his sister. You better treat him like goddamn royalty because he’s better than anything you will EVER get, SO TATSUMI GET YOUR S#IT TOGETHER AND LOVE HIM!!!!!

RAYMOND !!!!! It’s called COMMUNICATION. Sit your ass down with Ian and ask him, “Hey, I noticed I’ve been the only one initiating every time we have sex, do you feel like I’m forcing you or are you shy? If you’re comfortable I’d like for you to initiate once in a while” THAT’S ALL IT IS. WHY MAKE IT COMPLICATED AND NOT HAVE SEX FOR A WEEK. BRUH.
┗( T﹏T )┛

At the beginning it was really interesting and cool but now Jared is so op it’s just getting so boring.. plus all of these fights and wars between kingdoms and cults etc... and the romance just came outta nowhere... this is all becoming politics at this point and idk if I want to keep on reading lmao. All the “villains” so far have been easily beatable and there’s no real tension in the story whatsoever.. plus the art did downgrade a little.. We’ll see what happens.

The MC is such an idiot. From the start he knew Ai had the mentality of a toddler, not knowing anything about life at all, and he constantly left him unsupervised and assumed he could figure out everything himself. Now he completely insults him telling him his feelings are meaningless with absolutely no regard to the consequences? And being a hypocrite through it all by liking him back? What a trash MC, I hope he fixes the situation and talks to Ai otherwise this is just sad.
Can I take Cedric home please and thank you