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“Flowas fo u? :D” aka press reply for more
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Press reply to cry *sob* I KNOW YOU’RE SOMEWHERE OUT THEEERE
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“Flowas fo u? :D” aka press reply for more
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—fuck her brother and she’ll kick you in the face.
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Dead. The kids are living the worst hell there. But It’d be kinda nice if I end up in the red hands room.
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Booooth. As a mega MEGA fan of the Twin Travelers, I have no bias between who’s superior. Both. I even made 14 fanarts of them. They’re always together in my arts. Of course quality ones I’m not some noob... yeah, no one is seperated because I love them. I’d kill myself if I ever did. They are both awesome. Both are extremely underrated......
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Lelouch vi Britannia ALL HAIL ZERO REQUIEM
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“Hey Dad, when is Mom coming back?” *Dead stares at Dad’s soul*
I think... followed question about make a picrew

+Can change skin color https://picrew.me/image_maker/258610

29 05,2021
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“Is this the bride they brought to appease me?”
I think... asked question about make a picrew

Testing to see if it works https://picrew.me/image_maker/1041431

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Does it matter? I act whatever personality whenever I want to. I’m not letting some test choose for me. It’s fun! But unnecessary. +4 Most importantly, I will always crave sweets.
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I’ll just make twins again... I’m seriously outdated wtf even is mbti where did that come from. +Random Fact, Aether and Lumine, will always be cute. #TwinSupremacy