QueenOfMean answered question about make a picrew
I will gladly give you my c13 Qiqi, hand me that Eula
QueenOfMean answered question about make a picrew
QueenOfMean answered question about make a picrew
Zoom in and you shall see them
QueenOfMean like the answer
Press reply to cry *sob* I KNOW YOU’RE SOMEWHERE OUT THEEERE
QueenOfMean answered question about make a picrew
Huh, this may be unrelated and insensitive, but why do some of you drag these problems in here? What I mean is this is titled as Make A Picrew, drag these content of problems with you elswhere. We’ve seen topics like this 6 and more fucking times already too. Bring it in the right section. Now this is rude but it feels you’re just attention wh......
QueenOfMean followed question about make a picrew

y'all need to stop saying "omg he's such a bottom" "omg he's such a top" and this seme/uke dynamic bullshit is getting tiring, stop pushing heteronormative standards on mlm... i can't be the only one who thinks this

05 06,2021
QueenOfMean like the answer
Hello hello hello. Goozay Mademoiselle! Welcome to the land of sanity. Ha ha! You heard that right, sanity! These hatters below me ? Also sanity.
QueenOfMean like the answer
Booooth. As a mega MEGA fan of the Twin Travelers, I have no bias between who’s superior. Both. I even made 14 fanarts of them. They’re always together in my arts. Of course quality ones I’m not some noob... yeah, no one is seperated because I love them. I’d kill myself if I ever did. They are both awesome. Both are extremely underrated......
QueenOfMean followed question about make a picrew

+Can change skin color https://picrew.me/image_maker/285674

03 06,2021
QueenOfMean answered question about make a picrew
Wit weiw -fails whistling-
QueenOfMean like the answer
“Hey Dad, when is Mom coming back?” *Dead stares at Dad’s soul*
QueenOfMean followed question about make a picrew

+Can change skin color https://picrew.me/image_maker/58190

29 05,2021
QueenOfMean like the answer
“Declined. You really have the guts to ask that? I’ll bonk this book on you go to horny jail. You fucking fucked my brother, stay 6ft under and away from me.”
QueenOfMean followed question about make a picrew


29 05,2021