Omg I went back and JUST noticed the eyelid fold on 1 eye
Fr fr
Lol they read the manual! Went to support them of Webtoons Canvas. Kinda worried that the comments are mentioning this site by name tho
Ooop thank you!
It's okay Candy. I thought it was funny!
The plot really do be looking like that movie they watched on their first date! LOL
i was thinking the same thing lmao
I actually screamed at the end of Chapter 5. Not because of the reunion - nope. Because of the CLOCK! Look up Gastown Steam Clock. I bet thats where they moved. (There's also a bunch of VFX studios there - so kuddos to the author for their reaserch)
Omg I went back and JUST noticed the eyelid fold on 1 eye
Fr fr