I feel very conflicted about everything that is happening, ofc I get it she did to defend herself and the other kids well being, and she is more than right to do it, but the thing is what she is doing is still murder and she is just a kid, I guess she is not since she has idk 20+ years of memories but u get the point, a kid nonetheless. Yeah revenge is satisfying but murder is still murder, and after you kill once you might start to seem humans lifes as nothing more than something you can control. So I'm worried and I don't want her to go the wrong way. Well I love villains but I wasn't expecting to a 12 yo to become a villan. Man I'm conflicted (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Yea its not ideal, but she's in a harsh world and time. She didn't go killing some rando or even someone who annoyed her. She's killing people who attacked little kids, have done who knows what to no doubt countless ppl. These people have caused untold suffering and she's cutting the cancer. I don't like that it came to that for her. But as long as she doesn't go off the deep end I think she can keep from a bad path. To me she's a soldier right now. She was in battle, the enemy is still alive and could come back for you unless measures r taken, they havent surrendered. They aren't repentant. I don't want this as a habit bit given the situation she was in, I back her
But I agree she shouldn't start to take life lightly

It's self-defense. Not matter what age if you're life is in danger you fight for it. She had no other option than to kill them. I'm young so I can give you a pov. I'm 14 and if somebody had captured me and then proceeded to try to kill me I would kill them first. Even in this modern time, when it comes to my life or theirs I'm picking mines. It's not becoming a villain it's becoming a survivor.

Would you really be more concerned about being a "murderer" at a situation like that? It's do or die bruh. She tryna survive and who wouldn't be angered by that? Your friends got beaten up, and one of them got a knife stabbed deep in their hand ಠ︵ಠ It's just the start of her character development, let's not assume that she's going to be a villain and see take lives lightly. It's too early for that

I'm not assuming tho, I'm expressing a concern that may happen. It is self defense like I said earlier, but she ordering the snake to attack the criminals and kill them when they started running away and its no her job, it's the soldiers/police job, it's was a impulse and reckless decison cause she is a little girl with too much power in her hands. In that situation ofc she should not be concerned about being a murderer if they really are killed but after, if they really are killed, the guilty should not be taken lightly.
Sorry, if I expressed myself badly. Nor I'm the greatest at english or talking/writing. ╥﹏╥

She was always kinda impulsive if you really think about it. As a person who is also young (15) I am impulsive too and I felt the same thing she felt: Anger. I really did want these dudes to die, but I can also see where you are coming from with your concern. However, from the bath scene where she is sad that the spirit did not accept her she pouts and is sad. However, she is self-aware and admits her mistake and knows that she is arrogant and acknowledges so. It's not so easy to admit flaws and mistakes for some people, and yet she still did it, so we can safely assume this isn't a story about a villain, but rather grey morality.

yes babes I feel ya everytime ibelin shows up in the screen all i can think of is how annoying that bitch is

Yeaaaah i totally agree tbh I think ibelin is a attention seeker, she likes the attention of the male leads and don't like that latte got arwin's attention, but I don't think shes bad, but I kinda feel like she is will a obstacle in latte's life but ya know a obstacle not the imposter amount us lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
And the promo attacks once again