so in this bl the main guy is an author and he died but got reicartnated and met this guy it his class and they started dating but then out of no where this guy beats him to death and he lets him and then his bf is like wtf and then like a week later hes perfectly fine living with this pedo weirdo and then another kid comes and like stabs a pen in his eye and kills him and his bf is still like why this bich keep dying and i think thats it pls let me know the name

And bl's where the "seme" has long hair

^she said thats my type :')

any bl that has shows or movies if that makes sense

it has a live action drama

hyperventilation (rly good art omg)
manhwa link: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hyperventilation/
animation link: https://myreadingmanga.info/korean-bl-animation-hyperventilation-eng-vi-sub/4/?__cf_chl_captcha_tk__=c27c726437a0017dd16a4ba84c6961f546dd048c-1619494529-0-AUvzwi7kRlm7cto3xUWNfZNp4aeQTrCKrLiUnhnoPE56-6g8ACYmljl4rk3b7RMr5LEzreBWP7Z4iFoa8tF3kO5QzU06pcdqfpDTFaq4ifWAVAW5o17K1RTKmqEdzf3ivmyRbDDiEzCaZkuQnr_icLTrI1sPg310k5JSpdKki4yGYTLTwwsrQPOwnIefz0VcvGFhWwUD9Oz-5f531lBv838iCahoxhTYWN7NtxGtCVDHNWJBCCjh3JRz94olROXWLW_4qLZAv4qb5_EJyeVq4FNxrxbh0DxBSfcxOW_bm9rYsAqgu-q8cdTvR1rTw0axPYymeGqRbk0TYjMZLBxfTadMIJX66SssqoqPKIVN7gtcApzEbXeTAMU7cbyFRdhOBpP80GkbhA2I9bJv-b3FiCfYdJ7DLwFVxHcCad1iqP4hqfXLmqW66NJIBP8VXyrZAsx3T2xX15Kv30S2wDmdUDcHlL22zrTYRNN0FTg6y5ERs44NMkHhjZhsYPHU34BgClWkT5PpX1svQTIumz8JbX8l0u7mCrF4XnTwPWo-Czxdz6Oqyr5zqUUEF7J40LaIG4XC41bD850SlmRjxNj8XsWlaNPJpbp-lfgLhFpvX-rL_1yFxmR92Jtnvu5AmErZAFzGwC7le04B8waiJ3j5T-2cOfwv2WJp475Y8fVx4g0TgzEWXUgzS1hhF_1Jy_8fK6prfw5FZ0daoefpNHT93bazZ6qVzi2C7TaUoz1TDkzF
Doukyuusei (also rly good art aaaa)
manga link: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/doukyuusei_nakamura_asumiko/
anime link: https://www1.gogoanime.ai/category/doukyuusei

the Omega was in heat and he met an alpha and they decided to do it and then that Alpha wanted to date the omega and the omega was like hell no and then the Omega went into heat after blocking the alpha and everything and then he decided to unblock and call the alpha and then he was a little late but he came charging into his apartment and they did it at the front door thats all i remembe r( ̄∇ ̄") its popular please help
loooks like the ml's from on or off but its not them