what going on why are pp upset im so confused at this point

The last uploader posted a notice saying the author had severe health issues and was suicidal but I'm not sure if it was because of personal issues or because thier manga is uploaded illegally so people were saying to completely drop this manga which ofc started a controversy between the people who wanted it dropped and those who didn't... in the end however the people who wanted it to stay won as someone else uploaded the new chapter and the previous notice was deleted... so it's really controversial in this comment section right now

The author shared on twitter that they're suicidal because of their chapters being re-uploaded illegally. They're also being harassed by illegal readers. This is their only way to make a living. A lot of people and the uploader showing they don't care about the author's wellbeing or if they end their life because they continue to reupload
i dont even remember what happened in the previous chapters this take so long to update n e ways toono and kashima finna dates soon or nah
Fr, I worked so hard to remember all their names n now I forgot most all of them
Nvm I realized I got the names wrong lol. Ur talking about the two main guys. Ofc they are. It’s gonna take a while tho.
Tbf it's more like random days (like 4koma if ykwym) it's not really a flowing story
I thought i horrible memory...