inesss '-''s feed

inesss '-' created a topic of I've Become A Crow

OK so this is a spoiler so avoid reading if you don't want spoilers.

Basically in chap 58 when Ardriana talks to Raynell about Namiel's curse and how it was in the game, well I remembered something from an earlier chap (Forgot which one specifically), you know when Camut was going to fight his brother for the throne and Raynell freaks out because she says 'this wasn't in the game' so she doesn't know how would it unfold. But didn't Camut get the curse from the 3rd prince because he used it during the fight and Camut then got cursed, which then follow with Namiel getting the curse. So how could Adriana talk about how Namiel did get the curse in the game if the fight never happened in the game? Was Camut going to get it either way because of his brother's corruption due to the curse or something?