The workplace comedy's story follows a 26-year-old office worker named Momose. He recently chan...

  • Author: Ichikawa Dan
  • Genres: Shounen Ai / Comedy / Slice Of Life / Seinen
Daisy already read

The workplace comedy's story follows a 26-year-old office worker named Momose. He recently chan...

  • Author: Ichikawa Dan
  • Genres: Shounen Ai / Comedy / Slice Of Life / Seinen
Daisy followed question about have an unpopular opinion

Quiz link: Oc maker link: Have fun Everyone!!/:@!?

19 10,2023
Daisy followed question about make a picrew

Wake up gaymers, new picrew just dropped. How do YOU serve cunt?

11 10,2023
Daisy followed question about something created just for you

Just your personal opinion I’m thinking about majoring in political science possibly ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I know politics are always controversial, and this is just a dumb manga site, but I like learning about stuff and hearing different perspectives.

04 10,2023
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Me reading through the comments to see if I can read something about confidential funds
Daisy want to read


  • Author: Nod
  • Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Drama / webtoons
Daisy followed question about make a picrew

Go wild

01 10,2023
Daisy want to read

It's love at first sight for Karel when he sees the bedraggled but beautiful Sasya during his t...

  • Author: Caesim,Oddloop
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Mature / Psychological
Daisy want to read

The person who always argues to leave is always the person who stoops and picks up the pieces of a b...

  • Author: Choda
  • Genres: Shounen Ai / Drama / Tragedy / Webtoons

weellll here I gooo

Daisy add manga to list YOU LOOK QUITE PRETTY

A very pretty boy tries to stay out of trouble while everyone chases after him! A legendarily viole...

  • Author: Ju Yeon
  • Genres: Action / Comedy / School Life / Drama / Gender Bender / Webtoons
Daisy already read

A very pretty boy tries to stay out of trouble while everyone chases after him! A legendarily viole...

  • Author: Ju Yeon
  • Genres: Action / Comedy / School Life / Drama / Gender Bender / Webtoons


Daisy asked a question

its about a male character that pretended to be a girl and too get into highschool cause he's past bully i think? and he's like reallyyy stronggg he has a long black hair and a bangs tall too!! PLEASEE HHELP ME FIND ITT (/TДT)/ ITS A MANHWA BTWW

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I just made this OC! I even thought up a backstory while making her. Gotta give atleast one of my OCs some religious trauma. Ok so! Her name is Grace. She is an orphan who was brought up in a church. Although she wasn't cared for much while young, she could cause miracles. The head priest promoted her to a saintess, soon after she reached adulthood......
Daisy followed question about make a picrew

22 09,2023
Daisy like the answer
but the question here is "is it gay to suck your own dick"
Daisy like the answer
Upvote this if you've ever sucked your own dick or licked your own pussy.
Daisy add manga to list jackass

By Sals Scans:High school student Hara Keisuke suddenly finds himself wearing a pantyhose while putt...

  • Author: Scarlet Beriko
  • Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Smut / Yaoi / slice of life
Daisy already read

By Sals Scans:High school student Hara Keisuke suddenly finds himself wearing a pantyhose while putt...

  • Author: Scarlet Beriko
  • Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Smut / Yaoi / slice of life