The workplace comedy's story follows a 26-year-old office worker named Momose. He recently chan...
- Author: Ichikawa Dan
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Comedy / Slice Of Life / Seinen
The workplace comedy's story follows a 26-year-old office worker named Momose. He recently chan...
- Author: Ichikawa Dan
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Comedy / Slice Of Life / Seinen
Quiz link: Oc maker link: Have fun Everyone!!/:@!?
Wake up gaymers, new picrew just dropped. How do YOU serve cunt?
Just your personal opinion I’m thinking about majoring in political science possibly ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I know politics are always controversial, and this is just a dumb manga site, but I like learning about stuff and hearing different perspectives.
Go wild
It's love at first sight for Karel when he sees the bedraggled but beautiful Sasya during his t...
- Author: Caesim,Oddloop
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Mature / Psychological
The person who always argues to leave is always the person who stoops and picks up the pieces of a b...
- Author: Choda
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Drama / Tragedy / Webtoons
weellll here I gooo
A very pretty boy tries to stay out of trouble while everyone chases after him! A legendarily viole...
- Author: Ju Yeon
- Genres: Action / Comedy / School Life / Drama / Gender Bender / Webtoons
A very pretty boy tries to stay out of trouble while everyone chases after him! A legendarily viole...
- Author: Ju Yeon
- Genres: Action / Comedy / School Life / Drama / Gender Bender / Webtoons
its about a male character that pretended to be a girl and too get into highschool cause he's past bully i think? and he's like reallyyy stronggg he has a long black hair and a bangs tall too!! PLEASEE HHELP ME FIND ITT (/TДT)/ ITS A MANHWA BTWW
By Sals Scans:High school student Hara Keisuke suddenly finds himself wearing a pantyhose while putt...
- Author: Scarlet Beriko
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Smut / Yaoi / slice of life
By Sals Scans:High school student Hara Keisuke suddenly finds himself wearing a pantyhose while putt...
- Author: Scarlet Beriko
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Smut / Yaoi / slice of life