Before transferring to New York, Nogi Shinjiro confessed to his crush, Aoyama Yuki, and was rejected...
- Author: NIGARI Shio
- Genres: Yaoi
Plsss let me praise this highly!!! The artttt styles are so beautiful asf bruhh look at the character damnn that's what we call art with smexy plot *chef kiss* is this premium art damn damn damnn i love this author
On my way to greet that blond bitch "master"
Ahhh thats you hey bitch~ *fucking beat his ass* *swing punch to her mouth* *kick his ass* *slice him* *burn him like how sangwoo-* *yeet his ash to black hole*
I love this chapter dangg its funny the way dane regret his life as a knight and alisa daddy who advice his daughter to not run away bwhabbwhsbhs bruhh their family relationship soo cuteeeee
Bruhh poor jihoon he just want to do it with someone he love then two jerk fucked up with him and the worst thing is they didn't even love jihoon they- nahh i cant