K123's experience ( All 0 )

K123's answer ( All 2 )

K123 29 05,2024
Split your days. I’m currently cramming so I wake up at 1pm do work sleep at 7-10pm then stay up till 7am. It makes you feel like you have double the time, I’ve been doing it for the last few days and it’s AMAZING   reply
29 05,2024
I got zhongli at at 10-14 I can’t remeber but I got him on my first pull and then just kept going bc I didn’t understand wishes   reply
23 05,2021

K123's question ( All 0 )

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want to do instagram friends

omg bro your so gorgeous heh gon follow you my ig is @chiizes3

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want to do instagram friends

Looking for: IG Moots (user: imajinxo / jinx)
Preferably ones that don't unfollow afterwards, i wish you receding hairline if ever

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