My teacher asked me what the weather was but I wasn’t looking at the shared screen so I answered with the actual weather and he questioned why I thought it was that and then I realized that he was talking about a math problem on the screen
to ease yall's shame, your classmates probably won't remember what you guys did ..well unless you share screened porn or your classmates are super petty
One time in Spanish class, the teacher asked a question and I answered but I forgot to mute my mic so I put my music back on and I was singing along ( ・∇・) and then the teacher was like “ can you mute your mic señorita” KSMSOSOSK IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING
1. my friend was screaming my name in her math class while we were on facetime and was fake moaning and shit while her mic was on 2. she was cussing at me while we were on facetime in our first period (american history) and her mic was on so the class heard our whole convo AND WE WAS TALKING SHIT ABOUT SOME OF THE KIDS IN THAT CLASS 3. when i was......
Photo from Inu x Boku SS