AJ is way too quick (and dumb) and is def gonna end up doing sum stupid as hell all cause he wasnt chained up like give it some time goddamnit
By the time that kid reaches five we'll all be in a nursing home or dead
Lmao this is so if ufunny
* so funny
Why tf are they so persistent on his fathers acceptance, he's a weirdo, do it without him
Different cultures. In my culture we also have to get our fathers approval to marry. While ones could marry w/o the approval, it js feels wrong
That does explain it. For me I'd rather it just feel wrong rather than fighting tooth n nail for approval. the arranged marriage would've done it for me
AJ is way too quick (and dumb) and is def gonna end up doing sum stupid as hell all cause he wasnt chained up like give it some time goddamnit