Shiva, a young girl who loves to stroll about in the countryside, lives in a vacant village with her...
- Author: Nagabe
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Seinen / Supernatural
Mizoshiri Shohei has just been assigned to the organized crime division and has already developed a ...
- Author: Takahashi Hidebu
- Genres: Drama / Supernatural / Yaoi
Wakamatsu Haruka (3rd year of middle school) finds the new student Hachiya Shuuto (1st year of middl...
- Author: Toriya kou
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Romance / School Life / Slice Of Life
The protagonist finds himself adrift on an uninhabited island, where a mysterious family appears bef...
- Author: kim carnby,cheon beomsik
- Genres: Seinen / Action / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Tragedy
Monster weaves the riveting story of brilliant Dr. Kenzo Tenma, a famous surgeon with a promising ca...
- Author: Urasawa
- Genres: Mystery
Emma and her friends have a pretty good life at the orphanage they grew up in. Though the rules may ...
- Author: Kaiu Shirai,Posuka Demizu
- Genres: Mystery / Psychological
Anzai, half vampire, and Tsukasa, a normal school girl.<br>Vampires seem to be living among hu...
- Author: HANADA Ryou
- Genres: Action / Drama / Horror / Romance / Seinen / Supernatural
The manga centers on homicide detective Hiroki Dan, the son of a former police superintendent genera...
- Author: Koga kei,Izawa ryo
- Genres: Psychological / horror / mystery
Protect the city with that fist! Bad high school student, the legend of heroes fighting cherry bloss...
- Author: Nii satoru
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Shounen / Action / Comedy / Delinquents / Drama Japanese Manga Action Comedy Delinquents Drama
The master spy codenamed <Twilight> has spent his days on undercover missions, all for the dre...
- Author: Endou Tatsuya
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Shounen
Aster and Yuno were abandoned together at the same church, and have been inseparable since. As child...
- Author: Tabata Yuuki
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Shounen
In a world entirely ruled by giants, the human race, which has turned into their food, has surrounde...
- Author: ISAYAMA Hajime
- Genres: Action / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Horror / Mystery / Shounen / Tragedy
If you liked Deadman Wonderland, this will like you too. Synopsis will be written soon....
- Author: Kataoka Jinsei
- Genres: Action / Psychological / Seinen / Shounen / Tragedy
Saiki Kusuo has a wide array of superpowers at his command, including telepathy and telekinesis. Thi...
- Author: asou shuuichi
- Genres: Comedy / Shounen / Supernatural
Plot: Trepanation is the procedure of drilling a hole in the skull. It is said to increase the blood...
- Author: yamamoto hideo
- Genres: Drama / Mature / Psychological / Seinen / Supernatural
“Hey, should I provide you therapy?” Tired of love and on the verge of turning into a wo...
- Author: miyata toworu
- Genres: Romance / Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life / School Life
Shouya, a teenager with no knowledge of love, accidentally stumbles upon the blog of a gay teen whil...
- Author: amekiri
- Genres: Adult / Romance / Shounen Ai / School Life
Renta: In this world, in addition to being male or female, people are divided into two "dynami...
- Author: Atono matsuri
- Genres: Yaoi
Translation complete, more uploads coming soon....
- Author: Tsuyuhisa fumi
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy