Ik she fucking lyingggg how you gon perform cpr on a person who’s back was just sliced up instead of applying pressure on the wound Lmaoaoa was the writer even trying lol couldnt finished reading it cuz the whole she looks like a saint and I’m here to save you bs lol I feel like it’s dumbed down hella

Ion like det how is this creepy gonna fall in love with a kid like you was there through all his milestones and probably raises him yourself seeing as he is an out cast in his own castle so u was prolly the only parental figure around

Doesn't change the fact that a 20 years old is a freakin adult. They already can use their own brain to think whats right and wrong and take responsibility over their actions. 20? Hell, even a 100 years age gap meant nothing if both were considered adult. You think it's weird? well that seems like a you problem since it's not a crime or it is against a norm.
I mean, it's not like Jake is lusting over the child prince here. It's just the prince who fell for the only person who ever cared for him.

Sweetie, all people can be immature. Even 60 year olds. Do you wanna be called a kid when you are in your 20’s? Because i sure as fuck dont, the bodyguard was 16, so he’s in his 30’s, not 40’s. Stop calling literall adults children. Because you’re wrong. A child is 18 years old and bellow. The way he behaves has nothing to do with being a child. You’re the one who needs to sit down.

Buddy if you’ve watched someone grow up as a kid you shouldn’t be falling in love with them even when they turn 40 and ur in ur 60’s just cuz the ml is 20 don’t make it any better and if u don’t see a problem then may hod help any child around you and how u gonna compare a 60 year old to a 20 year old who just got done with puberty not to long ago to someone who can drop dead at any moment

Bruh, 30 is LITEEALLY not that old. This is also the middle ages people married kids. Literall 14 year old girls. So this is not half as bad. 20 years old is considered old that time. Learn your histoey. Stop being so sensetive, i was using 60 as an example what immaturity can be. Since you cant grasp that immaturity dosent have an age limit. 30 isnt that old to be dropping dead. Because annyone at 20 can also drop dead. You’re not using any logic. You need to stop the stupid stereotype that 30 is old because its not. ur fs a 13 year old. You’ll understand this concept when you turn 30 yourself.
Damn chapter was short see y’all in 2 weeks