Ill be up all night reading mangas and such, then when it’s actually during the day all I want to do is read mangas. But then I have the problem of falling asleep in class or even falling asleep reading mangas. That’s when I start freaking out like “I need to open my eyes so I can bookmark this or else im gonna loose it!!” 1 reply
Other people: ‘answering with honest, and good music recommendations’
Me in my head: saWarAseNai KiMi Wa sHouJo Na nO boKu Wa yARicHin BiCChi nO oSo Da YOOO reply
Okay so if ur talkin abt like an anime/animation, I gotchu. My absolute favorite is Goblin Cave but the 3rd one which is the good ending (there’s two versions of the endings, good and bad) Anyways I’ve said my peace lol but why y’all so uncomfyyyyyy jeeeeez 3 reply