She was reborn in the war novel as the sister of the villain who had never shed blood nor tears.The ...
Adult woman reincarnates into a baby then raised her "brother" for peace. The FL is so childish, I thought she was trying to act cute and clueless to survive.. NO!! SHE IS JUST PLAIN STUPID AND CHILDISH. WOMAN, YOU ARE AN ADULT IN A CHILD'S BODY. They aren't blood related but it's still weird because they grew up together and the WOMAN IS AN ADULT. It's like she basically raised the boy then got together. It's stupid, no development. Don't read this, I regret it.. weird AF
Spoiler : this isn't a wholesome comic about siblings. They kissed.
Few title suggestions:
-I am an adult woman in a child's body and I raised my future husband until he grew up
- My brother fell in love with me because I'm so silly and childish which made him think it's cute
-I became my brother's lover