Wowie not the damn homosexuals kicking their stepmothers out of their homes wowieee. ( ̄∇ ̄") I hope the author isn't weird about them.
Tbh, if the sexes were reversed, I think readers would be singing a different tune. Creepy obsessive stalker man and a girl who keeps trying to get him to leave her alone because he wants to own her. Yeah, I get why Raymond would be skeeved out. However, this new arc of his is so fucking contrived. Tbh I just want to see him suffer and qallow in self pity, it's more fun than the romance.
Y'all need to touch grass.
Top and bottom discourse here is dumb as shit.
How old is she? What's she doing acting like a dumb toddler?
Ever heard of an Omegaverse trope called "bitching"? It's when an Alpha turns into an omega through repeatedly being fucked by another Alpha. Something I've read quite a bit in Chinese Omegaverse. I wonder if this is gonna have that
Yellow Dragon could just make his male advisor his mate :)
I like seeing people realizing just how shit this story is. Welcome :)
Everytime I see straight Omegaverse I keep being reminded of the Omegaverse lawsuits. I c a n n o t. LMAO.
I don't like any of the characters, wish I did. This is an interesting concept but it has poor execution.
I'm surprised you guys are only just realizing this was a ship story. It's been like this from the start, sorry to say.
Their love is so sweet, I'm prepared for heartbreak but damn if I'm not dreading it. May they be happy in another life. ╥﹏╥
I'm so excited for this arc, I LIVE for the cruel crown prince archetype.