BearyBarry May 7, 2021 7:05 am

thanks for the update!!

BearyBarry May 5, 2021 10:06 am

i feel like we need a few hundreds of these people on Earth you know? like their only job is to get rid of those people who just cant be changed anymore no matter what you do

BearyBarry May 5, 2021 2:25 am

how do you actually start a discussion cuz i've seen a lot of people doing it but i never actually do it. i've answered a few but never once start it

    LillyJean June 1, 2021 3:07 pm

    Ummm... I wanna know how to ask questions like you did, just now...

    BearyBarry June 2, 2021 3:47 am
    Ummm... I wanna know how to ask questions like you did, just now... LillyJean

    lmao just scroll to the very bottom. there's a white box that you can put captions in

    LillyJean June 2, 2021 7:30 am

    Oh! Thank you for telling me~

    LillyJean June 2, 2021 7:31 am

    And to start a discussion, I guess you just need to ask a question. I’m not sure though...

BearyBarry May 1, 2021 10:01 am

I'm reading reading this while watching ads to get points in tappytoon lmao

BearyBarry April 28, 2021 3:40 am

wait does this have an official english translation though T_T I want to support it so baaaaddd

BearyBarry April 26, 2021 1:15 pm

why is no one talking about the manga that Veldora was holding is Cells at Work??

    ❦Heart❧ April 26, 2021 1:45 pm

    people not talking about it im sad T^T

    MangaIsLife April 26, 2021 2:19 pm

    I'm more interested in 3x3 eyes. I read that halfway about 20 years ago lol

    ❦Heart❧ April 27, 2021 3:39 am
    I'm more interested in 3x3 eyes. I read that halfway about 20 years ago lol MangaIsLife

    i also seen it like when i was young xD

BearyBarry April 24, 2021 4:22 pm

i know we all want to be hot so we can have that middle-aged daddy pampering us. i mean, who doesn't?

BearyBarry April 24, 2021 12:11 pm


BearyBarry April 23, 2021 3:04 pm

me, a POC reading about a lady wanting to be the whitest of white like:

    Pip April 30, 2021 4:50 pm

    What's a poc? And also I get you but at the same time no, women in those days and even until know value our looks, it was much way worse before (can't say about know too though), not all of us but it will matter one way or another bad or good (I don't mean to sound rude or offensive it's just that please also try to understand that struggles of people?? I don't really know, sorry)

    NicoleD April 30, 2021 6:06 pm
    What's a poc? And also I get you but at the same time no, women in those days and even until know value our looks, it was much way worse before (can't say about know too though), not all of us but it will matte... Pip

    POC is Person Of Color. So saying white is the epitome and standard of beauty can hurt and make someone feel bad about themselves. Hope this helps.

    Pip April 30, 2021 7:24 pm

    Oh! I am so sorry I didn't know, I'm also a person of color (I think? Does me being Asian count??) I really didn't know I am really sorry

    NicoleD April 30, 2021 7:34 pm
    Oh! I am so sorry I didn't know, I'm also a person of color (I think? Does me being Asian count??) I really didn't know I am really sorry Pip

    Yes, you being Asian counts as a Person of Color. I assume you don't live in a country like the United States (I could be wrong) but you have nothing to be sorry about. Some people grow up in communities where everyone is of the same ethnicity so they never feel singled out or "othered." In the United States, because it's so diverse, People of Color are often treated differently because of their skin tone, language, religion, and much more. Most of the time when they/we are treated differently is by the white community (not all but more often than not). Also, don't apologize for asking questions. Learning is a part of growing as a person.

    Pip April 30, 2021 8:37 pm
    Yes, you being Asian counts as a Person of Color. I assume you don't live in a country like the United States (I could be wrong) but you have nothing to be sorry about. Some people grow up in communities where ... NicoleD

    Thank you very much! And yup! I live on the pacific ocean(^ω^)i don't really know what's going on most of the time since I'm pretty closed of from reality but

    Pip April 30, 2021 8:42 pm
    Thank you very much! And yup! I live on the pacific ocean(^ω^)i don't really know what's going on most of the time since I'm pretty closed of from reality but Pip

    (Huhu accidental posted, erase the but) ignorance is a sin in more ways than one, people here are also like that so I guess i kinda can understand but I've started to tune out stuff and things have been kinda okay, I'm not saying i can fully say that I can relate to you or try to compare I just well uhm, I don't really know what I was trying to get say at this point but thank you

    ChubbyFoxie0105 May 1, 2021 9:09 pm

    In Europe, in a similar time period as in this manga, being pure white meant you were rich enough to be able to stay indoors during the day, when the sun was out. So being white was more of a social idea, rather than a racist one. Because at the time, it was rare to encounter a foreigner, let alone the idea of multiple races in one city was something that was extremely rare. So it's not a racist theme, but a historical correct idea.

    Juliaster May 7, 2021 5:52 pm
    In Europe, in a similar time period as in this manga, being pure white meant you were rich enough to be able to stay indoors during the day, when the sun was out. So being white was more of a social idea, rathe... ChubbyFoxie0105


BearyBarry April 18, 2021 12:16 pm

nooooo they didnt update it anymore after mangago crashed the first time

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