Sabnock tho. Omg he just feels like a confident and ambitious softy. I have newfound respect and appreciation to him today

Onion_cheeks created a topic of Survive Romance

Fucking hell I don't know if I should hate the second ml or not because he bashed the brains out of Mr X

Why are people so concerned about seeing the grand duke naked?

the 'original' fl looks like a stick. I'm serious she looks like baldi but in 4k, especially when she frowns like tf you wan

I don't like where the comments tell me the story's gonna go. Oh for goodness sake author WHY

Iruma is just a beautiful being. No matter what form he takes on, he's Stil the most beautiful or handsome among them

Onion_cheeks created a topic of Ashley Goeth no Yukue

True. Memories are what makes us who we are. Experiences and enviroments makes us who we are. If what they're doing is good or bad is up for debate. You can say that them messing with someones memories and experiences is wrong, that's acceptable. If they had this power, what they could potentially do is far more dangerous. If ONE were to develop a mindset of "everyone is imperfect, I must correct them all" then the whole operation's going to shit.


Elijas friend is very very Sus. Probably using him to get closer to Arthur. I can smell that shit from miles away

I'm so gay AND straight at the same time. That fucking hair flip was gorgeous

ooo now that hurts right in the feels. As intended from the very beggining