SimplyTrash April 28, 2019 1:07 pm

I feel like talking to completely stranger right now, I'm not feeling great these days but I'm too shy to talk this out to someone i know. I'm sorry its have nothing to do with what this site offer it just I don't really know where to start. @/bluedino_dw1122 is my twitter, hit my dm if you don't mind to hear me a bit. I would really appreciate it.

SimplyTrash March 2, 2019 1:40 pm

Has anyone here feels like quitting from studying/becoming animator and move to countryside be a math teacher cause I definitely am

    YuzukiMikage March 2, 2019 1:44 pm

    I'm like literal shit at math. Why would I change my dream into something so boring but difficult?

    SimplyTrash March 2, 2019 1:47 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    I got barred from animation subject due to low carry marks and they let me redo it within a week i literally sobbing for the whole week, I'm bad at everything except math, should i do math? i hate my life

    SimplyTrash March 2, 2019 1:49 pm
    I'm like literal shit at math. Why would I change my dream into something so boring but difficult? YuzukiMikage

    sorry gals, that's the only thing I can do except eating and sleeping.

    GIGGLEBUSH March 2, 2019 1:50 pm

    I've moved on into the medicalfield, currently studying to be an MA, i cant draw but was thinking about becoming a coloring person as a side job/hobbies.

    SimplyTrash March 2, 2019 1:51 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    yo me too except I got barred and they making me redo all those crap again for the sake of 'another chance' within less than a week. Im sobbing right now is this worth it

    Legra March 2, 2019 1:58 pm
    I got barred from animation subject due to low carry marks and they let me redo it within a week i literally sobbing for the whole week, I'm bad at everything except math, should i do math? i hate my life SimplyTrash

    If you’re good at math, you should nurture it and let your skills carry your life. Once you’re good at what you’re doing, stable and content, you can do other things you love as a hobby or maybe next project in the future.

    SimplyTrash March 2, 2019 2:00 pm
    I've moved on into the medicalfield, currently studying to be an MA, i cant draw but was thinking about becoming a coloring person as a side job/hobbies. GIGGLEBUSH

    Please go ahead and give a try! I can promise you art is not all about good at drawing. As long you have a great understanding the principle of design you as good to go. Also since you like colouring, just learn about colour wheel (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    SimplyTrash March 2, 2019 2:03 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    I wish there's a like button cause I totally agree. I don't think I can be an outstanding person, lets just be a person then

    SimplyTrash March 2, 2019 2:08 pm
    If you’re good at math, you should nurture it and let your skills carry your life. Once you’re good at what you’re doing, stable and content, you can do other things you love as a hobby or maybe next proj... Legra

    I'm already half way through and let just say my biggest concern is the money. Lots of money have already been spent and I hate disappointment. I was once used to be called the 'genius' of my family but i stop being one cause idk i gradually become stupid, idk how many time I have let my family down

    SimplyTrash March 2, 2019 2:20 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    Nahhh we both both have same mind loool, thanks yo I wish for yours too (or maybe you have found yours??) I'll my best for now ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

SimplyTrash February 15, 2019 2:55 am

Doing animation is stressing me out so much and I don't know how to handle it, anyone here who is an animation student or animator yourself? How do you guys handle this stress cause I'm at the end of the rope. I've been trying to listen various type of music to calm myself and none working. Please give me some advice as well if there's any trick to make animation much easier to be done.

    MarketPlace February 15, 2019 2:58 am


    Cocaine February 15, 2019 3:18 am

    I go for a walk lmao. It's the best thing you can do, even more after spending so many hours sitting. Your stress will increase if your organism isn't working properly, so I also have a bottle of water around me at all times, and i discovered the pleasure of munching pretzel sticks. I hold my pen with my thumb and my middle finger (its kinda awkward at first) and as soft as i can; when i got too immersed i holded the motherfucker hard enough to break a bone, and even details like that can cause stress. Every 25-30 minutes i stare outside, for a couple of minutes, maybe smoke a cig, giving my eyes a rest and giving them the natural light they need. And, idk, everything else depends on the type of programs you are using. But yeah. I feel like Dr. Phil.

    SimplyTrash February 15, 2019 3:41 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    Lol I wish i could opt for teamwork but the thing is mine is solo project ╥﹏╥ and yes it is 2D animation, I'm doing great at 3D compared to 2D but the thing is in order for me to continue 3D (or VFX precisely) I need to pass the animation first (My course is Animation and Visual Effect (VFX) where you can choose to continue as animation or vfx on the third year). I really want to change my course but I already took loan, I have to pay it back first if I want change my course. Ahhh now i'm having stomach pain from anxiety, there's no way out huh. Anyway, glad that you are getting out from this mess. Please take care of yourself and don't make the same mistake as me loooool

    SimplyTrash February 15, 2019 3:52 am
    I go for a walk lmao. It's the best thing you can do, even more after spending so many hours sitting. Your stress will increase if your organism isn't working properly, so I also have a bottle of water around m... Cocaine

    currently trying to get some air that, I'm getting my mcd right now and I don't care anymore. Tired of this crap lol. I'll just apologize to my lecturer and hope for the best (⌒▽⌒)

    takame February 15, 2019 4:39 am

    It's more stressful in work (I've worked in animation studio) so develop a can-do mind then give little rewards to yourself after A week of working. I also eat snacks and best thing I learned working in animation is doing little chats while your hand is drawing like fast and the furious

    ikigai February 15, 2019 4:56 am

    I know this is unrelated to the question but I’m a highschool student who might be interested in going into animation. The problem is I don’t really know anybody who’s an animator and so I don’t have an idea of what it’s like to be one. I also know squat about animating. As a student rn what can I do to potentially learn more/ become better? Do I have to be really good at drawing or should I learn some sort of program? Just how to get started basically. If you could give me some advice I’d rlly appreciate it ^^

    U〰U February 15, 2019 5:59 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    Lol I bet u guys went into animation cuz of anime tbh I think it’s a dead end career that’s why I’m in graphic design instead it’s much more flexible and independent IMO

    SimplyTrash February 15, 2019 6:03 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    Oh man I'm not sure how strict US is but I'm from Malaysia where the country is pretty known for being flamboyant, but that's only apply if you have the money and I have none looool. The no. 4 one hit me so hard that I'm cackling right now because that is my workflow. Your suggestion is actually quite brilliant, maybe I should give a try on that. One big major about I LOVE to procrastinate, very bad value about me. It becomes a habit now its hard to get rid of it.

    takame February 15, 2019 7:03 am
    I know this is unrelated to the question but I’m a highschool student who might be interested in going into animation. The problem is I don’t really know anybody who’s an animator and so I don’t have an... ikigai

    If it's traditional 2d animation you really do need to practice drawing. I see a lot of people questioning it and it may be hard to believe (or you just don't want to practice) but that's just basically it. Even if you are not great in drawing art immersion is important to gain that "sense" when creating something. As for software, I use adobe flash, photoshop and animate. My current work is animating in media production so I use after effects, photoshop illustrator and premiere.

    ikigai February 15, 2019 9:16 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    thanks, I’ll check it out!

    ikigai February 15, 2019 9:18 pm
    If it's traditional 2d animation you really do need to practice drawing. I see a lot of people questioning it and it may be hard to believe (or you just don't want to practice) but that's just basically it. ... takame

    thank you! I’m just an average artist so I’m a little worried but I’m sure with practice I can grow

    ikigai February 15, 2019 9:19 pm
    If it's traditional 2d animation you really do need to practice drawing. I see a lot of people questioning it and it may be hard to believe (or you just don't want to practice) but that's just basically it. ... takame

    thank you! I’m just an average artist so I’m a little worried but I’m sure with practice I can grow

SimplyTrash January 27, 2018 1:38 pm

Any recommendation for angsty manga/manhwa? The kind of reading that gives you feeling hollow and dreadful but the character slowly marching forward into better development. A long series will be very much appreciated as it has better depth in the story. I need some inspiration for my English assignment so if you guys have any manga/manhwa that become a turning point in your life, please share it here as well a little comment (or maybe share what's impact it does to your life perhaps? A little tale sorry won't hurt right :) )

And oh! Btw, my favourite mangas for this genre (and still is and may forever) is and

I remember whenever I read this no matter how many times, it never fail to make lost in thought for a while. I gotta said what impact me the most is that I become more observant and aware of people surrounding.

SimplyTrash November 23, 2017 8:31 am

Hye guys! Can you guys please suggest me yaoi manga with seme hates/dislikes uke at first but slowly warm up to uke. I know, basic lol but I like it ( ̄へ ̄)thank you for the suggestion in advance!

SimplyTrash February 8, 2017 6:33 pm

I was listening to Toshishita Kareshi no Renai Kanriguse blcd where the seiyuu is Maeno Tomoaki (Seme) and Hirakawa Daisuke (Uke) and then I realized that both are also seiyuu for Risou no Koibito, only that their role were vice versa (Maeno uke, Hirawa Seme)

I'm bald.

SimplyTrash January 20, 2017 7:42 am

Just been wondering if there's anyone here who have a thing for boys (or male regardless) who use boku and who is/are your fave? So far, for me Tsukamoto Tsukushi from Days and Katsuuki Yuuri from Yuri On Ice!

SimplyTrash January 7, 2017 8:18 am

I've been trying to ask about this in Yahoo but I only got troll answer and I know all of you guys are genius and beautiful. I'm not so willing to talk this out with either my family or Psychologist, I'm simply not ready and very insecure about this. I always charmed (or rather very infatuate with passionate couple, regardless straight or not, young or not, simply saying in any angle, I find them very cute and lovely but, I can't see myself as someone's lover, well that's fine but whats not fine is, I feel disgusted whenever I have any type of skinship (holding hands, ruffle hair, any sort of) even with my own family or friends. I don't have any resentment toward them in fact we are doing very well in everything except skinship. My family and friends doesn't know about this, I basically pushed myself, its either me or them to initiate the skinship. So far, I mostly very fine and happy to hold hands or any sort of with children, I feel comfortable with them and safe. It frustrating because there are time that I get very depressed and crave for some hugs and comfort but my body refused to do so (there was a time I went violent, I slapped my sister's hands away when she tried to pat me), I always end up holding everything in or just cry by myself. What should I do? If there anyway to get over with this? Anyone know where the root of this problem is? Feel free to ask me more question if I don't explain myself enough.

    Same here. January 7, 2017 8:32 am

    You might be low-key haphephobic. I know I am. I talked to my therapist about it, basically jut initiate little touches here and there so you get used to it. It'll be difficult and frustrating but try to relax- especially with the getting comforted and hugging and all. The longer you stay away the harder it'll be to fix it.

    Mo Ro San January 7, 2017 8:44 am

    Well, there is a chance that you where not paid attention to enough when you where a baby, not saying you were neglected, just not touched enough. Human beings need physical connection to develop properly. If you weren't touched enough, that could contribute to your problem. You should tell a close friend (boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend) about your problem and go at your own pace, possibly hold hands while doing something fun like watching anime. Ask your friend to help you by being patient with you. Hug spoon, do whatever feels comfortable for you. If that doesn't work... Get a body pillow XD (jk jk) hope I helped! Reply back if you want to talk more

    Or January 7, 2017 9:51 am

    You couod be ace (asexual)

    Aleno January 7, 2017 2:44 pm

    I'm the same. And the main reason that I could think of is that we are used to being alone since when we are kids, probably because just like @Mo Ro San said, we didnt get much attention and thats why we grew up comfortable with ourselves only.
    We're sensitive but we care too much thats why we feel disgusted, because we remember how they treated us, no matter how trivial it was, and somehow think that they're being fake and everything is an act and temporary.

    I cant really give you an advice because I still am figuring it all out. Maybe lets try loving ourselves more?

SimplyTrash November 11, 2016 8:01 pm

Guys, I did something YOLO today, couple days ago I bought a yaoi movie DVD and so I decided to played this baby today at our living room's TV which I was aim to make everyone in my family watch it. Of course they started to realize that it was yaoi movie and they asked me about that so I just said that I didn't know it was one. What makes it interesting is the movie wasn't stop (as far before this my family not really open about this, as they were always make not-so-funny joke of lgbt) and they were all so focus (god know I was about to shed big tears of proud mommy). When the movie hit the credit, I asked them if its good and they said it was pretty and atmospheric. Today is the best day, I'm glad I did this. I hope they see lgbt in the better angle and decide that love is bountless ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    mrl98 November 11, 2016 5:20 pm

    What's the movie's name?

    SimplyTrash November 11, 2016 6:26 pm
    What's the movie's name? mrl98

    Doukyuusei dear (=・ω・=)

    mrl98 November 11, 2016 6:50 pm
    Doukyuusei dear (=・ω・=) SimplyTrash

    I've been wanting to watch this for sometime, but Japanese movies are slow as hell T_T do you recommend it?

    Unorigional Artist November 11, 2016 7:21 pm
    I've been wanting to watch this for sometime, but Japanese movies are slow as hell T_T do you recommend it? mrl98

    YEEEEEESSSSS at least I do lol

    SimplyTrash November 11, 2016 7:53 pm
    I've been wanting to watch this for sometime, but Japanese movies are slow as hell T_T do you recommend it? mrl98

    Definitely! Well its differ to everyone but in my opinion its not slow neither fast either. I honestly was attracted by the animation, its languid and fluent, and very cute. I don't want to say much, it will be spoiler, try yourself first. If its good, thats great but if its not keep look out for more. Theres actually many underrated yaoi movies out there~ Good luck dear :3


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