I swear, this manwuah was incredible. The story, the characters, and the issues in it were felt deeply. Loved it so much. Even as it ends I feel such appreciation for it. :)
ITS SO BAD WHEN THEY TRY TO MAKE US FEEL BAD FOR THE GUY FOR THE MOST BASIC SHIT LIKE MAKING HIM WORK. LIKE.. that does NOT give him the right or justification to do all that to her could of at least made her dislikable first so we wouldn’t pity her so MUCH. LIKE DUDE.
LIKE SURE HES SELFISH BUT HES NOT BAD. Its clear he actually cares about her, he sees all her good qualities and is not afraid to say what they are to others. Plus, he is so HOT AND her same age. I DONT WANT HER TO BE WITH THE OLDER GUY, I feel like they just- it would be boring