can a scanlation group please pick this one? it looks hawt ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url= https://www.cmoa.jp/title/202214/&ved=2ahUKEwjNx9qxr6DuAhXGMN4KHU7zCQQQFjAAegQIBBAC&usg=AOvVaw0q3VtgUlUS3hVGS73mL7rJ&cshid=1610797641389

Never rely on ratings here ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

yeah, there's a genre filter but most of the works uploaded here don't have appropriate genre tags, like, it's a "psychological, yaoi, romance, school life, tragedy" story, but we only see "yaoi" genre! Not to mention they're sometimes wrong XD
it's a good source to read up to date works but has it's own weak points.

whenever I come to this site and look around the main page, I add like 4, 5 manga into my "want to read" list asfksgfidbe
is it normal? like craving chocolate or ice cream when you go shopping...

ahhh i’m the same! not just with the main page tho. i add things to my want to read list all the time, especially while scrolling through the questions section and seeing all the recs
my want to read list is ~800 now, but i wanna say one thing—don’t let reading feel like a chore! when i was feeling that way, it kinda took the joy out of reading. i felt like i was reading out of obligation, ya know? and with so much to read, i kinda got burned out
there’s no deadline, so just read at your own pace and remember to have fun!!

hey there, does anyone know this BL? it looks nice https://m.paozha.com/soft/1165.html

If you're asking about the title, it's Male Pregnancy. I don't think there's a translated one for it yet.

This is the author's name 腐漫圈, not sure how to translate this to english sorry. If it's romaji though it's fumanjuan.

hey there, I'm looking for this yaoi manga about two guys who were interested in each other, and they did it while in highschool, but the uke felt so much pain that he left the other guy and after years they meet again and he's still scared, but the seme takes care of it and I don't remember the rest LOL... I know I'm sick! but it's been on my mind for a while so please if you know which manga it is let me know
I'm literally tired of ppl mistaking rape for BDSM, fr... shit! When someone is clearly using the other for sex without any care, what do you call it? Jesus! sry I'm just real mad rn