Guys/Girls, genuine question, do you really find Jaekyung hot? Because I find him ugly as fuck, he always look like he's constipated and his ears make him so ridiculous (I know people can really have ears like that but on him it make him even more horrible than he already is)
I swear even if Jaekyung has a redemption arc (and knowing the author, it will be a poor one) both of them ending up together won't be a happy ending
The parents are so silly, I want to see their story
I swear Arthur's eyes threw me off so much, like they look empty most of the time
"it looks like I'm forcing you" Jaekyung
" We can have sex without kissing" Kim
*Process to force Kim to kiss him*
Wow this is trash. I hate when author make a black flag ml helps people outside from the mc to make them more likeable. Like, do they really think we will get fooled and suddenly think that they're good people? I just hope Kim Dan will leave once and for all and finish single or with a better person.
First time I see a mc with more panel of him naked than wearing clothes
Funny things that I noticed is that when a black/red flag has his "redemption" arc, one of the first thing sexual they do is eating out the mc's ass for the first time x)
Lee won is really going "I can fix him," just leave his poor ass and find someone better for you man
Nah, they better make up and let all the Owen have lovely time with Nux. If it's not the case, I won't be able to consider this end as a happy one
I can't even fathom how this story could have a good ending.
Man I read my bunch of toxic yaoi, but this one is like the worse. In general red flag ml doesn't even hide that they're asshole. But those one genuinely think that they didn't do anything wrong
I can't express how much I hate it when a ml force the mc to pee on the floor or other place that aren't actually toilet no hate to people who likes that, it's just not my cup of tea
Yark, having sex next to people who didn't consent to that will never be sexy
I think it's the first time I read a bl where the mc is homophobe. Not sure if I like it or not. Like this shit is funny but the homophobia rubs me wrong. Maybe because I'm gay myself ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍