The way some of you act like Seungeon is some muster manipulator when dude's just a highschooler with bad comunication skills, anger issues and trauma to deal with '◡'
Now that I think about it, he did look surprised when he saw his grade, but not gloomy. What if he did got in to top 3, maybe not first place but 2nd or 3rd??? Or maybe 4th? And still puked because of stress. Then we all gonna look like clowns who can't read expressions
The way this manhwas chapters always end up with clifhangers. My head hurts from speculating. I just want concrete answer. Wish it would be 13th already I just want to see next episode
SeungEon was too self-absorbed. He has a body of adult but mind of a child. Just like his sister said, he needs to grow up. The damage is done, but hopefully this mistake will teach him something.
The comment section here became a mess. Some of you need to chill.
No one probably noticed this and I'll probably get attacked for pointing it out but...
The translation of the part where Seungeon talks before they start jearking off, has a lot of added words and mistranslation(it's not just this part, a lot of parts in previous chapters are like that as well.)
The conversation actually goes like this
Seungeon: I was holding it in well but you made a mistake, hyung.
Why did you let me sleep in your house?
If you hadn't pushed me away I would've gone on my own.
If you don't let me unwind here I'll do what I really want to do. Than you are gonna slap me 50 more times.
We both don't want that. Right?
Answer me. You hate it, don't you?
Jiwook: (inner thoughts) I don't want to fight again...
: Yes (sfx: nod)
Ha, is that so. I don't want to hurt you either, hyung. Than you have to listen to me carefully.
JiWook: Yes (sfx: nod)
Seungeon: Take mine out and touch me. I'll touch you too hyung.
I am not trying to piss on anyones parade, nor is my intention to be ungrateful towards uploader. I just don't like mistranslations and once I see one I have to point it out.
I've always wanted to make friends on Manga.go so If you want to be friends, please message me!
Wanted to share this for anyone who is invested in this manhwa ^-^
The author just had answered some questions on her twitter and so
- there's gonna be around 70~80 episodes maybe more.
- SeungEon is 192 cm tall (growing) JiWook 175 cm, Hyungseo 185 and Joonyoung 187 cm.
-The events in first chapter(in the office, arguing) happen 12 years from current time in the story and some things might change a little about that.
- the things that we saw Hyungseo do are only the begining (lmao what the hell is he gonna do I am scared haha )
I just saw the latest chaptet(19) and I really want to know what exactly happened between Seungeon and HyungSeo. SeungEon said to JiWook that Hyungseo wasn't in school last year because he was in hospital and he(Seungeon) almost went to juvie thats why he wasn't there as well. Like did they fight??? Seungeon worned JiWook about Hyungseo. Told Jiwook *paraphrasing* how he will not hold back from hitting Hyungseo if he sees him mesing around with him, like he won't let that happen. He says that for his sake he stops hanging with Hyungseo. JiWook is of course reluctant to believe things about Hyungseo since so far he was good to him. He even brought up the medicine thing. Said he Hyungseo bought it for him and than Seungeon say how it was he who bought it. JiWook doesn't believe him because he wasn't in school so how. SeungEon asks him did he saw Hyungseo going to pharmacy. JiWook is rethinking things than and is still like "but... ". SeungEon tells him he was ambarased to admit it was from him. Says he knew JiWook is angry at him and wouldn't accept it so he told JoonYeoung to buy it. He is actually so honest it's surprising lmao. I feel like whatever kind of childhood he had it fucked him up real good because he has some serious anger issues. The way he acts have me all allert because I never know how he will react.
This is at least how I understood this after translating it for myself using different translation sites so don't know how correct this is but yep lol.
Theres more that happened but I feel embarased for talking this much since I feel like I am mostly talking to myself
My man you are the last person who should be complaning about him marking you without your consent after everything you did to him. Poor Yeonwoo :(. Anyways, saw the raws and it looks like Keith's gonna have his much needed character development??? hopefully.
This manhwa is so wholesome ╥﹏╥ they are so precious.
I have a mighty need to buy JiWook some new clothes :( He still wears the same shirt he got in 3rd grade of middle school. (according to what author said it was indigo blue)
Does anyone else have pet peeve and dislikes when fonts and everything is inconsistant for every chapter? It makes everything look messy. Or is it just me?
The author said yesterday on her twitter that if people are expecting EIYDLM to have simillar atmosphere as her other stories(night maze and some other??? ) they'll just be dissapointed since it's gonna be different. The keywords(I think that meens hashtags) even say what kind of feel we can expect. Rather than them being congruent they are gonna be like dogs fighting.
Lmao It's gonna be wild I guess. I don't know what to expect I just hope they'll be able to find a common ground and make things work between them @ author pls
I feel like this picture that author posted on her twitter some time ago perfectly describes how their relationship is gonna be
Everyone keeps saying how this is modern version of potn but the only simmilarity I see is that JiWook physically resembles Nakyum ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Even the artstyles aren't that simmilar and the plots are different too so I don't get the comparision. Is it just me? Probably
This manhwa is so good!!! Hopeless romantic in me is screaming.
The uploading of this manhwa is all over the place. People keep uploading over eachother I feel like eventually this will be dropped and then we all will be fucked. But well wdik
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍