The relationship is toxic. I mean, with every vol there are some sort of problems that occur, which the solutions for each are not very ideal. First using gun and forgiveness, second cheating and forgiveness. I mean forgiveness is fine but isn't a solution for long term relationship. They should sort thing out by communication, and only talking and sharing their problems will be a better idea. They do talk at the end of vol 2, but mostly it's seem like an argument with every lines to defend themselves rather than to understand each other. I don't know, I've never been into a relationship before and the author definitely have solution for later chaps, but that my opinion :)) I love this manga so much too, so I hope for a HE for them 0-0

I don't know Cole, why the hell you want Alex to surrender or anything. I mean u think love is a game and who love first love the game first??? I know u have problems, but I don't think u this fuck up. I love u Cole, but man u gotta have to make this through somehow, or else is maybe better to break up since your thoughts are literally too different from each other... But i don't want them to break up, though 0-0

All are happy ending... Maybe, but I think one of the things that is still... not through my mind, is about Rin's memories lost. Rin got issues, mental issues and I dont think that losing memories will be a right way to solve it. I mean, I don't know if he is improving himself, and then, forget everything to lift a burden of. Or he is still a mess, and then forget everything suddenly become a solution. I just don't settle with that solution for Rin problems. I mean he should meet therapist, enjoy his time and overcome the problem rather than forget it completely. And Taiga really, I know he will treat Rin better, but the fact that he is one of those cause Rin condition to be worse, I don't really know if I want they to be together, despite the fact that they seem to be happy now..... Yeah
Damn... What a happy bonus... If all Ennead is just about this happy lovely family, I would be fine. Rather, we have that damn green vegetable. All without the devoted father and caring son we want to see.