I swear this stupid prince is just... Intolerable. At least for other male leads, they are abusive and possessive because that's how they're, which is worse enough but they probably have some poor childhood story to explain. This guy is just downright stupid and did not have a single clue how to be decent, and not a single character growth. They probably add some redemption later on by changing him completely to a guy who treat MC better and maybe, idk, saving him and act selfless, and maybe then be forgiven and be happy ever after. That's not growth, it's unreasonable. Imagine if this guy doesn't have a good visual and not a prince, with his personality he will be just an arrogant side character who disappear after one chapter. Sorry for my long comment. I was hoping for more from this character, that's why I continue reading. Not trying to put hate on the author here
Tags issue again but is there anyway to filter out the nearest date of manga updates or something for tags. Man even if I have to download or code or anything please tell me
No unfortunately, this feature is only for genre.
The url sorting for update date doesn’t exist, but it should look like this https://www.mangago.zone/tag/Isekai/?f=1&o=1&sortby=update_date&e=
You could make a request to the site owner though
Honestly I'm not sure if there is any motive behind portraying the Mc character as rude, easily provoke, disdain character, but from what I have seen with this author, the action of a scumbag would be easier to justify the r***, . Same with Sadistic Beauty, which is a very disturbing way of thinking. I totally understand it's fiction but just to say no one deserve r*** despite whatever their action is. :0
if you scroll down to older comments .
, some are saying that in the novel the rude MC actually have history of R minor and filming them , so the pretty face guy actually taking revenge, also I don't understand why people keep comparing this to sadistic beauty when they not even same aurthor this time she only adapting story from novel she didn't write the story only adapting the novel into webtoon
So like...this is the MC's karma?
Karma or revenge u could say
Ml was gangraped by mc and his friends during middle school. Bcuz ml confessed his feelings to mc. And sent those video to his ml s mom and she was traumatized.#-.-)