Sarutobi like the answer
Boo just sit your fat ass down, you really thought you did somethin huh
Sarutobi like the answer
you think your doing the LGBTQIA+ something but just making us look sensitive- As a omnisexual women who enjoys reading yaoi/bl not all of us are reading it for the sex, why would shounen ai be a thing if everyone who liked BL just wanted to see two guys fuck. I mean I understand fetishizing is super weird and im not for it but we are not all like......
Sarutobi like the answer
Well.. there are stupid people who treat gay people badly, discriminate them and abuse them. But they are the minority, most of people either good to them or dont care them. So when i read this kind of post it looks childlish for me, no offense. If i read yaoi i disrespect gay people?? What a bulllshit. I m a grown up straight woman , i dont care a......
Sarutobi like the answer
i don't really understand.. I mean ya'll be like "being gay is the same thing as being straight there's no difference" So why's it so disgusting to read BL? it's literally just a romance with two men. It's not a big deal. But i do agree that there are people out there who ship real living people. (specifically two STRAIGHT men) And i don't support......
Sarutobi like the answer
First of all, this is not an airport. You don't need to announce your departure. Secondly, Not everyone who reads BL is straight sis. There are people from LGBTQ+ community as well. You only know people who fetishize real life gay people, that's your problem. And thirdly, BYE.
Sarutobi answered question about favorite yaoi manga
I'm an aries and... ion know man.... Like Alpha's have such a bad reputation, I don't wanna be associated with them. At the same TIMEE, I get me another alpha baddie to go out with
Sarutobi answered question about have an unpopular opinion
yEah. Like before this whole discorse about if Dojin was trash or not, I was feelin' a little... unsteady abt that scene. But like everyone was too busy simping over Dojin in the comments, so I just stfu and moved on. To be honest, idk if I ever even liked or respected Dojin as a character tho.
Sarutobi like the answer
Sarutobi like the answer
Sarutobi asked a question

Please rec some yuri/shoujo ai where the "dominant" one is like very quiet and like cool.

Sarutobi asked question about write a book

Just got into a long argument with an ignorant and misogynistic "friend" on the website. Please share some funny pictures to cheer me up (=・ω・=).

Sarutobi followed question about trying new cuisine

Girls on here be like ´ i love psychological mangas lmaooo, im so not a faytish les be clur ´ And then the only psychological mangas they read is bl, just say u fetishize mlm and go, why dont u read psychological straight or gl love too?? Ohhh you dont like seeing yourself in it?? Poor you Imagine how we feel. Tired of yall

08 02,2021
Sarutobi answered question about trying new cuisine
Mayneee, this agression towards girls on this app for no reason. Repectfully, people are allowed to read whatever they want, bl, gl, anything. It only becomes a problem when they ACTUALLY start fetishizing. It's mad annoying to be generalizined with a bunch of creeps okay?? Stop throwing words around and learn how to distinguish fetishizers from no......
Sarutobi created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Listen.... y'all can say what you want about my bae Taesung, but at least he not going out of his way to hurt So young himself...

Sarutobi created a topic of ENNEAD

Ngl, I'm only reading this for the plot, the outfits, and the possibility of seeing Horus's face. Cuz like the "smut scenes" were lowkey traumatizing

Sarutobi created a topic of Crush and Burn

Hey- that vampire vato was TOO fine to be a side character. Black hair dude you cute too... ya just attitude ain't tho

Sarutobi followed a goer

you're all wack in your own way. <3

05 02,2021
Sarutobi answered question about lgbt
Even though I think excluding my 2d bae Itachi is RUDE, here are my two human crushes ig